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CDRL Item: B006-3
Date: 15 July 1987
Prepared for:
Defense Communications Agency
Defense Communications Systems Organization
Washington, DC 20305-2000
Contract No: DCA200-85-C-0023
Task Order No: 5-44
DCAC No: DCAC-350-180-()
Prepared by:
BBN Communications Corporation
50 Moulton Street
Cambridge, MA 02238
Copyright 1987 BBN Communications Corporation
DCAC-350-180-( ) i
C/30E Physical Level Interface Guide
1. Purpose. This Instruction prescribes the policy, assigns the
responsibility, and identifies the requirements for connecting an X.25
host to a C/30E PSN by means of a MIL-STD-188-114 (balanced), EIA-232-D,
or V.35 interface. This Instruction also identifies the requirements for
connecting one C/30E PSN to another by means of a MIL-STD-188-114
(balanced), EIA-232-D, or V.35 interface, as well as for the BELL 303
2. Applicability. This Circular applies to Headquarters, DCA, and all
subordinate and affiliate activities, and all military departments and
Government agencies using or requesting DDN access.
3. References.
a. Military Standard 188-114; "Electrical Characteristics of Digital
Interface Circuits," 24 March 1976.
b. EIA Standard 449; "General Purpose 37-Position and 9-Position
Interface for Data Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit-Terminating
Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data Interchange," November 1977.
DCAC-350-180-( ) ii
c. EIA Standard 232-D; "Interface between Data Terminal Equipment
and Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment Employing Serial Binary Data
Interchange," December 1985.
d. International Standard ISO 2593; "Connector Pin
Allocations for Use with High-Speed Data Terminal Equipment,"
1973-03-01 (First Edition).
e. Bell System Technical Reference; "Wideband Data Stations
303-Type," August 1966.
4. Policy.
a. The current DDN standard node supports only MIL-STD-188-114
balanced serial host interfaces. The EIA-232 and V.35 interfaces are not
recommended for future installations, but they may be found where they are
provided by an existing installation, and it is not feasible to install a
MIL-STD-188-114 balanced interface prior to upgrading the entire node to
DDN standard.
b. DDN policy is that the C/30E minimum host bit rate be 9.6 kb/s for
MIL-STD-188-114, EIA-232-D, and V.35 interfaces. DDN also supports
Extended Modem Looping (XMOD).
5. Responsibility. DCA, Code B611, will ensure that this Circular is
updated to reflect current DDN standard node.
DCAC-350-180-( ) iii
Paragraph Page
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i
Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 i
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 i
Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ii
Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ii
DEFINITIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Chapter Paragraph Page
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 1-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 1-9
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 1-11
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 2-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 2-6
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 2-11
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 3-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 3-8
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 3-10
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 4-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 4-7
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 4-9
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 5-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 5-11
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 5-13
DCAC-350-180-() iv
Chapter Paragraph Page
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 6-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 6-5
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . 4 6-11
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 7-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 7-7
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 7-9
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 8-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 8-6
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 8-8
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 9-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 9-8
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 9-10
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10-1
Electrical Characteristics . . . . 2 10-1
Mechanical Characteristics . . . . 3 10-3
Interconnecting Cables . . . . . . 4 10-9
DCAC-350-180-( ) v
Table Page
1-1 Signal Name Equivalency Table . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-2 Frequencies Provided by the FDBCLK Fantail . . 1-3
1-3 DDN Standard Node Interchange Circuit Use . . . 1-8
1-4 DDN Standard Node EIA-449 (DTE)
Connector Pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
2-1 Remote-Modem DTE Interface Connector Pinout . . 2-8
2-2 KGAB - Remote Host Connector Pinout . . . . . . 2-9
2-3 KGAB - Remote Modem Connector Pinout . . . . . 2-10
2-4 Remote Interface Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
3-1 Signal Name Equivalency Table . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-2 EIA-232-D Interchange Circuit Use . . . . . . . 3-7
3-3 EIA-232-D Connector Pinout . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
4-1 V.35 Interchange Circuit Use . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4-2 V.35 34-Pin and 37-pin Connector Pinout . . . . 4-8
5-1 Signal Name Equivalency Table . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5-2 Frequencies Provided by the MMBC Fantail. . . . 5-3
5-3 DDN Standard Node MMB*/MMBC
Interchange Circuit Use . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5-4 DDN Standard Node EIA-449 (DTE)
Connector Pinout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
6-1 Remote-Modem DCE Interface Connector Pinout . . 6-8
6-2 KGAB - Remote C/30E Connector Pinout. . . . . . 6-9
6-3 KGAB - Remote Modem Connector Pinout . . . . . 6-10
6-4 Remote Interface Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
7-1 Signal Name Equivalency Table . . . . . . . . . 7-3
7-2 EIA-232-D Interchange Circuit Use . . . . . . . 7-6
7-3 EIA-232-D Connector Pinout . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
8-1 V.35 Trunk Interchange Circuit Use . . . . . . 8-5
8-2 V.35 34-Pin and 37-pin Connector Pinout . . . . 8-7
9-1 Signal Name Equivalency Table . . . . . . . . 9-3
9-2 BELL 303 Trunk Interface Circuit Use . . . . . 9-7
9-3 DDN Standard Node EIA-449 (DTE) Connector Pinout 9-9
10-1 DTE Interface Connector Pinout . . . . . . . . 10-6
10-2 DCE BELL 303 Interface Connector Pinout . . . . 10-7
10-3 KGAB-Remote Modem Connector Pinout. . . . . . . 10-8
10-4 Remote Interface Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-9
DCAC-350-180-( ) vi
Figure Page
1-1 C/30E PSN and Nearby EIA-449 Host Cabling
Diagram (C/30E Sources Clock). . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1-2 Cable Example: C/30E PSN to EIA-449 Nearby
Host (C/30E Sources Clock) . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
2-1 Demarcation Point "A" Between the C/30E and
Remote Host. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-2 Demarcation Point "B" Between the KGAB and
Remote Host. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-3 Functional Signal Flow Between a Nearby Modem and
C/30E, or a KGAB and a Remote Host . . . . . . . 2-7
2-4 C/30E and Remote Host Cabling Diagram. . . . . . . 2-12
2-5 C/30E and Remote Host Cabling Diagram
(with Cryptographic Devices) . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
3-1 C/30E PSN and Nearby EIA-232-D Host Cabling
Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3-2 Cable Example: C/30E PSN to Nearby EIA-232-D
Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
4-1 C/30E PSN and Nearby V.35 Host Cabling Diagram . . 4-9
4-2 Cable Example: C/30E PSN to Nearby V.35 Host . . . 4-10
5-1 C/30E EIA-449 PSN and Nearby EIA-449 PSN Cabling
Diagram MMBC (C/30E Sources Clock) . . . . . . . 5-15
5-2 C/30E PSN with MMBC to EIA-449 Nearby PSN Cabling
Diagram with MMBC-MMBC (C/30E Sources Clock) . . 5-15
5-3 Cabling Example: C/30E with MMB to EIA-449 Nearby
PSN with MMBC (C/30E Sources Clock). . . . . . . 5-16
5-4 Cabling Example: C/30E with MMBC to EIA-449 Nearby
PSN with MMBC (C/30E Sources Clock). . . . . . . 5-17
6-1 Demarcation Point "A" Between the C/30E and
Remote C/30E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6-2 Demarcation Point "B" Between the KGAB and
Remote C/30E PSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6-3 Functional Signal Flow Between a Nearby Modem and
C/30E, or an SR(ON) NS(OFF) KGAB and a Remote PSN. 6-7
6-4 C/30E and Remote Host Cabling Diagram. . . . . . . 6-12
6-5 C/30E and Remote Trunk Cabling Diagram
(with Cryptographic Devices) . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
7-1 C/30E PSN and Nearby EIA-232-D PSN Cabling
Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
8-1 C/30E PSN and Remote V.35 PSN Cabling Diagram . . 8-8
8-2 Cable Example: C/30E PSN to Remote V.35 PSN . . . 8-9
9-1 BELL 303 MMI to BELL 303 MML Cabling Example . . . 9-11
9-2 BELL 303 Trunk Interface Cabling Example . . . . . 9-12
10-1 Demarcation Point "A" Between the C/30E and
Remote C/30E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
10-2 BELL 303 Remote Trunk Interchange Circuit Use. . . 10-5
DCAC-350-180-( ) vii
C/30E. X.25-based communication processor made by BBN Communications
Corporation. Used in Packet-Switching Network applications.
DCE. Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment.
DC-37P. 37-pin male connector.
DC-37S. 37-pin female connector.
DDN. Defense Data Network.
DPPC. Digital Patch Panel connected between the DCE and the encryption
DPPE. Digital Patch Panel connected between the DTE and the encryption
DTE. Data Terminal Equipment.
EIA. Electronic Industries Association.
EMI. Electromagnetic Interference.
DCAC-350-180-( ) viii
FDBCLK. MSYNC-driven clock-sourcing MIL-STD-188-114 adapter (fantail)
containing EIA-449 connectors. The FDBCLK fantail can be used to
source clock.
FDB3. MSYNC-driven MIL-STD-188-114 fantail containing EIA-449
connectors. FDB3 cannot provide clock.
FD4. Fantail containing EIA-232-D connectors.
FPA. Fixed Plant Adapters: Complete assembly consisting of two KGABs,
space for two KG-84As, and one FPA shelf that supports the assembly in the
encryption cabinet.
KGAB. Interfaces a KG-84A with a communications line by providing for
cable termination, filter isolation, and update counter support.
KG-84A. Provides standard link encryption to all interswitch trunks and
host access lines on the MILNET. Not used for collocated equipment.
MII Board. Input/output motherboard used in C/30E PSNs to interface with
communications lines leading to other DDN PSNs.
MMBC Board. Daughterboard emulating a MIL-STD-188-114 DCE, thus providing
clock. Its DTE counterpart is the MMB board.
MMI Board. Daughterboard emulating a BELL 303 DTE.
DCAC-350-180-( ) ix
MML Board. Daughterboard emulating a BELL 303 DCE.
MS Connection. KGAB Connectors.
MSYNC. Input/output motherboard that is used in C/30E PSNs to interface
with synchronous host access lines.
PSN. Packet Switch Node used in the DDN to provide full service network
access ports for hosts and trunks. PSN and C/30E are used interchangeably
in this document.
Synchronous Devices. Require a clock signal to operate the
communications interface.
TEMPEST. Limits compromising electromagnetic emanations from
communications equipment.
Trunk. Communications link providing an interface between two nearby or
remote PSNs, hence a PSN-to-PSN interface.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the MIL-STD-188-114 balanced DTE interface that
connects the C/30E PSN with a neighbor/nearby host or a modem. This
interface is largely in conformance with the EIA-449/422 standard
considered the general commercial equivalent to MIL-STD-188-114.
Exceptions to the standard include the required signal states for Clear to
Send and Receiver Ready as well as the open circuit voltage. For ease of
reference, table 1-1 equates the EIA-449, EIA-232, and CCITT interface
signal names. However, in the rest of chapters 1 and 2, only the EIA-449
signal name will be used.
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels. The electrical measurements of the C/30E 188-114
interface circuits are in accordance with MIL-STD-188-114, chapter 5,
except with regard to subsection Open Circuit Measurement. The
C/30E open circuit driver voltage, measured in accordance with,
is less than +9.0V for balanced drivers and +4.5V for unbalanced drivers.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-2
SG Signal Ground AB Signal Ground 102 Signal Ground
SC Send Common -- 102a DTE Common
RC Receive Common -- 102b DCE Common
SD Send Data BA Transmitted Data 103 Transmitted Data
RD Receive Data BB Received Data 104 Received Data
RS Request To Send CA Request To Send 105 Request To Send
CS Clear To Send CB Clear To Send 106 Ready For Sending
DM Data Mode CC Data Set Ready (DCE Ready) 107 Data Set Ready
TR Terminal Ready CD Data Terminal Ready (DTE Ready) 108/2 Data Terminal Ready
RR Receiver Ready CF Received Line Signal Detector 109 Data Channel Received Line
Signal Detector
IS Terminal In Service -- ---
SQ Signal Quality CG Signal Quality Detector 110 Data Signal Quality
SR Signaling Rate Selector CH Data Signal Rate Selector 111 Data Signaling Rate
(DTE Source) Selector (DTE Source)
SI Signaling Rate CI Data Signal Rate Selector 112 Data Signaling Rate
Indicator (DCE Source) Selector (DCE Source)
NS New Signal -- ---
TT Terminal Timing DA Transmitter Signal Element Timing 113 Transmitter Signal Element
(DTE Source) Timing (DTE Source)
ST Send Timing DB Transmitter Signal Element Timing 114 Transmitter Signal Element
(DCE Source) Timing (DCE Source)
RT Receive Timing DD Receiver Signal Element Timing 115 Receiver Signal Element
Timing (DCE Source)
SS Select Standby -- 116 Select Standby
SB Standby Indicator -- 117 Standby Indicator
IC Incoming Call CE Ring Indicator 125 Calling Indicator
SF Select Frequency -- 126 Select Transmit Frequency
LL Local Loopback LL Local Loopback 141 Local Loopback
RL Remote Loopback RL Remote Loopback 140 Remote Loopback
TM Test Mode TM Test Mode 142 Test Indicator
AT Alternate Timing* -- 142
* Alternate Timing is provided on spare pins 3 and 21 when
the FDBCLK clock-sourcing fantail is providing clock.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-3
b. Clocking. Two fantails, FDB3 and FDBCLK, provide the EIA-449
connectors that terminate cables from all I/O interfaces. The fantail
connectors are configured as DTEs. When the FDB3 fantail is used, the DCE
must provide clock because the FDB3 fantail does not support
clock-sourcing capability. When FDBCLK, a clock-sourcing enhanced
fantail, is used, either the DTE or DCE can provide clock.
(1) FDB Fantail Clock Rates. FDBCLK and FDB3 interface hardware
support any external clock between 1.2 kb/s and 112 kb/s. However, DDN
policy is that the minimum PSN host bit rate be 9.6 kb/s. When FDBCLK
clock-sourcing capability is used, the FDBCLK on-board clock generator
provides the frequencies described in table 1-2.
Clock Frequency Accuracy*
112kHz, 56kHz, 19.2kHz,9.6kHz, 4.8kHz, 2.4kHz +0.05% (500 ppm**)
64kHz, 50kHz +0.005% (50 ppm)
* Accuracy over a temperature range of 10 to 30 degrees C.
** PPM = Parts Per Million
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-4
(2) Signaling Sense. Signaling sense for balanced and unbalanced
circuits is in accordance with EIA-422-A with the exception that the
differential voltage applied to the interconnecting cable is in the range
of 2 volts to 9 volts for the C/30E. As defined in RS-422-A, ON (0,
Space, or +) is generated when A terminal is positive with respect to the
B terminal, and OFF (1, MARK, or -) is generated when A terminal is
negative with respect to the B terminal.
c. Bit Rate and Cable Length. Interconnecting cable length and its
relation to data signaling rates is in accordance with EIA Standard 449,
section 6.10, and EIA Standard 422-A, section 4.3 and the appendix.
(1) Maximum Cable Length. The maximum length of the cable is
1000 feet.
(2) Slew Rate Limiting. Signal rise time is set to 1 microsecond
(100 kb/s value).
d. Interchange Circuits. The EIA-449 interface for the C/30E is
provided by the MSYNC motherboard in conjunction with the appropriate
daughterboards to fulfill the MIL-STD-188-114 I/O option.
(1) Electrical Use of Interchange Circuits. The DDN electrical
use of interchange circuits is either static or active. Static circuits
are tied by the hardware so that the signal state remains constant on the
line, either ON or OFF. Active circuits change their state under program
control. DDN use of the interchange circuits is shown in table 1-3.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-5
(2) Software Use of Interchange Circuits. Interchange circuit
signals are used by the software in different ways. Active circuits are
under program control: either the software reacts to the circuit signal
when it changes, or the software can assert a circuit when necessary (such
as LL which can be used by operations personnel for testing connections).
Unsupported circuits either are not read by the software or a value is
written to the circuit by the software and that value does not change
during operation. Table 1-3 provides a list of circuits and their use.
(3) Interchange Circuit Definitions. For additional information
about these interchange circuits, see EIA Standard 449. The following
descriptions assume use of full period/full duplex circuits, with flow
control handled at higher levels.
(a) Signal Ground. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(b) Send Common. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(c) Receive Common. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(d) Terminal in Service. IS is tied ON by the hardware.
(e) Incoming Call. IC is reported to the Monitoring Center;
however, its value has no software effect.
(f) Terminal Ready. TR is asserted ON by PSN software when
the link is initialized.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-6
(g) Data Mode. DM must be asserted ON by the DCE and is
monitored by the PSN software.
(h) Send Data. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(i) Receive Data. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(j) Terminal Timing. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(k) Send Timing. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(l) Receive Timing. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(m) Request to Send. RS is asserted ON by PSN software when
the link is initialized.
(n) Clear to Send. CS must be asserted ON by the DCE and is
monitored by PSN software. If the signal state on this line changes to
OFF, the software macrocode will stop data transmission.
(o) Receiver Ready . RR must be asserted ON by the DCE and
is monitored by PSN software. If the signal state on this line changes to
OFF, the software macrocode will stop receiving data.
(p) Signal Quality. SQ is reported to the Monitoring
Center; however, its value has no software effect.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-7
(q) New Signal. Ns is tied OFF by the hardware.
(r) Select Frequency. SF/SR is electrically active and
asserted OFF by the PSN software when the link is initialized.
(s) Signaling Rate Selector. See Select Frequency, 2.d.3.r
above for a description.
(t) Signaling Rate Indicator. SI is reported to the
Monitoring Center; however, its value has no software effect.
(u) Local Loopback. LL is electrically active, but asserted
OFF by PSN software when the link is initialized. LL can be controlled by
the Monitoring Center.
(v) Remote Loopback. RL is electrically active, but
asserted OFF by PSN software when the link is initialized. RL is
available for Monitoring Center control.
(w) Test Mode. TM is reported to the Monitoring Center;
however, its value has no software effect.
(x) Select Standby. SS is tied OFF by hardware.
(y) Standby Indicator. SB is not connected.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-8
449 Electrical Required State of Comments
ID EIA-449 Name Source Circuit Control/Status Sigals
SG Signal Ground DTE/DCE Ground N/A Ground
SC Send Common DTE Ground N/A Common
RC Receive Common DCE Ground N/A Common
SD Send Data DTE Active N/A Data Circuit
RD Receive Data DCE Active N/A Data Circuit
RS Request to Send DTE Active ON Asserted On by PSN software.
CS Clear to Send DCE Active ON Asserted On by DCE, and
monitored by PSN software to
determine line status.
DM Data Mode DCE Active ON Asserted ON by DCE, and
monitor by PSN sofware.
TR Terminal Ready DTE Active ON Asserted ON by PSN sofware.
RR Receiver Ready DCE Active ON Asserted ON by DCE, and
monitor by PSN software to
determine line status.
SQ Signal Quality DCE Active Don't Care Monitored by PSN software, but
no action is taken.
SF/SR Select Frequency/ DTE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
Signaling Rate Sel.
SI Signaling Rate DCE Active Don't Care Monitored by PSN software,but
indicator no action is taken.
TT Terminal Timing DTE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Data when PSN supplies timing.
ST Send Timing DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Received
Data when DCE provides timing.
RT Receive Timing DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Received
Data when DCE provides timing.
SS Select Standby DTE Static OFF Tied OFF by hardware.
SB Standby Indicator DCE Not Connected Don't Care Not connected in PSN.
IC Incoming Call DCE Active Don't Care Monitored by PSN software, but
no action is taken.
LL Local Loopback DTE Active OFF Initialized to OFF by
software. Available for
Monitoring Center control.
RL Remote Loopback DTE Active OFF Initialized to OFF by
software. Available for
Monitoring Center control.
TM Test Mode DCE Active Don't Care Monitored by PSN software, but
no action is taken.
NS New Signal DTE Static OFF Tied OFF by hardware.
IS Terminal in Service DTE Static ON Tied ON by hardware.
AT Alternative Timing DTE Active N/A Special timing circuit for
Received Data when the PSN
supplies timing.
NOTE: N/A = Not Applicable
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-9
3. Mechanical Characteristics. All EIA-449/422 connectors offered for
the C/30E meet the following specifications.
a. Interface Connectors. All C/30E EIA-449 connectors are DC-37P
type (male) connectors.
(1) Intermating dimensions are in accordance with EIA-449,
section 3.3.1.
(2) The means for C/30E DTE connectors to latch and unlatch from
the latching blocks on the DCE connector are within the dimensions
specified in EIA-449, section 3.3.2. DDN uses the English 4-40 thread
latching block.
b. Connector Contact Assignments. All C/30E EIA-449/422 contact
assignments are in accordance with EIA-449, section 3.4. Table 1-4
provides the DDN standard node connector pinout. The signals are used as
specified in section 2.d.3.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-10
1 FG Frame Ground
2 SI 111 Signaling Rate Indicator
20 RC 102b Receive Common
3 AT --- Alternate Timing +
21 AT --- Alternate Timing -
4 SD 103 Send Data +
22 SD 103 Send Data -
5 ST 114 Send Timing +
23 ST 114 Send Timing -
6 RD 104 Receive Data +
24 RD 104 Receive Data -
7 RS 105 Request to Send +
25 RS 105 Request to Send -
8 RT 115 Receive Timing +
26 RT 115 Receive Timing -
9 CS 106 Clear to Send +
27 CS 106 Clear to Send -
10 LL 141 Local Loopback
28 IS --- Terminal in Service
11 DM 107 Data Mode +
29 DM 107 Data Mode -
12 TR 108.2 Terminal Ready +
30 TR 108.2 Terminal Ready -
13 RR 109 Receiver Ready +
31 RR 109 Receiver Ready -
14 RL 140 Remote Loopback
32 SS 116 Select Standby
15 IC 125 Incoming Call
33 SQ 110 Signal Quality
16 SF/SR 126 Select Frequency/Signaling Rate
34 NS --- New Signal
17 TT 113 Terminal Timing +
35 TT 113 Terminal Timing -
18 TM 142 Test Mode
36 SB 117 Standby Indicator
19 SG 102 Signal Ground
37 SC 102a Send Common
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-11
4. Interconnecting Cables.
a. Interconnecting cables are in accordance with MIL-STD-188-114.
They must be low capacitance, multiple twisted pair that meet the
following specifications resulting in a transmission line with a nominal
characteristic impedance on the order of 100 ohms to frequencies greater
than 100 kHz, and a dc series loop resistance not exceeding 240 ohms. The
overall braid shield must have at least 85% coverage.
(1) Conductor Size. Interconnecting cables should be in
accordance with MIL-STD-188-114, Appendix 10, with regard to conductor
size (subsection 10.1.1). Interconnecting cables or wires should be
composed of wires of a 24 AWG or larger conductor for solid or stranded
copper wires, or for non-copper conductors a sufficient size to yield a dc
wire resistance not to exceed 30 ohms/1000 feet per conductor.
(2) Mutual Pair Capacitance. In accordance with
MIL-STD-188-114, the capacitance between one wire in the pair to the other
wire in the pair should not exceed 20 picofarads/foot, and the value
should be reasonably uniform over the length of the wire or cable.
(3) Stray Capacitance. In accordance with MIL-STD-188-114, the
capacitance between one wire in the cable to all others in the cable
sheath, with all others connected to ground, should not exceed 40
picofarads/foot, and should be reasonably uniform for a given conductor
over the length of the wire or cable.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-12
(4) Pair-to-Pair Balanced Crosstalk. In accordance with
MIL-STD-188-114, Appendix 10, with regard to pair-to-pair balanced
crosstalk (subsection 10.1.4), the crosstalk from on pair of wires to any
other pair in the same cable sheath should have a minimum value of 40 dB
of attenuation measured at 150 kHz.
(b) Figure 1-1 is a cabling diagram of a C/30E PSN connected to
a nearby EIA-449 host, and figure 1-2 is an example of a cable (BBNCC P/N#
2409313G01) that could be used to interconnect them.
| |
| DC-37S DC-37S |
| / \ |
| +----------+ / \ +----------+ |
| | EIA-449 |--+ 2409318G01 +--| EIA-449 | |
| | DTE Host |P1|===============================|P2| C/30E | |
| | |--+ +--| (DTE) | |
| +----------+ +----------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-13
| DTE Host C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| DC-37S DC-37S |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| 1 FG >--------+ +-------< FG 1 |
| |
| +------< AT 3/21 |
| | |
| Pair # | |
| 4/22 SD >-(1)------\ /----|------< SD 4/22 |
| / | |
| 5/23 ST >-(2)------/---\----+---+--< ST 5/23 |
| / \ | |
| 6/24 RD >-(3)--/ \----|--< RD 6/24 |
| | |
| 8/26 RT >-(4)-\ +--< RT 8/26 |
| \ |
| 7/25 RS >-(5)---\-------\ /------< RS 7/25 |
| \ \ |
| 11/29 DM >-(6)--+--\-----/ \--+---< DM 11/29 |
| | \ | |
| 9/27 CS >------+ \ +---< CS 9/27 |
| | \ | |
| 13/31 RR >------+ \ +---< RR 13/31 |
| \ |
| 19/37 SG/SC >-(7)-+------------\-------< SG/SC 19/37 |
| | \ |
| 17/35 TT >-----|--(12)---No \---< TT 17/35 |
| | Connection (NC) |
| +--(8)----NC |
| | |
| +--(9)----NC |
| | |
| +--(10)---NC |
| | |
| +--(11)---NC |
| | |
| +--(sp)---NC |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 1-14
| DTE Host C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| DC-37S DC-37S |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| 1 FG >--------+ +-------< FG 1 |
| |
| +------< AT 3/21 |
| | |
| Pair # | |
| 4/22 SD >-(1)------\ /----|------< SD 4/22 |
| / | |
| 5/23 ST >-(2)------/---\----+---+--< ST 5/23 |
| / \ | |
| 6/24 RD >-(3)--/ \----|--< RD 6/24 |
| | |
| 8/26 RT >-(4)-\ +--< RT 8/26 |
| \ |
| 7/25 RS >-(5)---\-------\ /------< RS 7/25 |
| \ \ |
| 11/29 DM >-(6)--+--\-----/ \--+---< DM 11/29 |
| | \ | |
| 9/27 CS >------+ \ +---< CS 9/27 |
| | \ | |
| 13/31 RR >------+ \ +---< RR 13/31 |
| \ |
| 19/37 SG/SC >-(7)-+------------\-------< SG/SC 19/37 |
| | \ |
| 17/35 TT >-----|--(12)---No \---< TT 17/35 |
| | Connection (NC) |
| +--(8)----NC |
| | |
| +--(9)----NC |
| | |
| +--(10)---NC |
| | |
| +--(11)---NC |
| | |
| +--(sp)---NC |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the MIL-STD-188-114 balanced remote host interface.
This chapter documents the interface between the remote modem and the
host (demarcation point A in figure 2-1) with no intervening
cryptographic devices (KG-84As). Eventually KG-84As will be required
for all host access circuits; therefore, chapter 2 also provides an
example of the cabling that connects from the remote modem to the remote
Fixed Plant Adapter (FPA) and then to the host (demarcation point B in
figure 2-2).
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels. The modems used will conform to EIA-449. The
electrical interface of the KG-84A is in accordance with MIL-STD-188-114,
chapter 5, except with regard to subsection Open Circuit
Measurement. The open circuit driver voltage, measured in accordance
with, is less than +10.0V for balanced drivers and +5.0V for
unbalanced drivers.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-2
b. Clocking.
(1) Modem Clocking. The modem supplies timing on the Send
Timing and Receive Timing circuits. Terminal Timing isnot supported
for remote host interfaces. While the DDN hardware will support
between 1.2 kb/s and 64 kb/s, DDN policy is that the minimum host
access rate be 9.6 kb/s.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-3
| |
| |
| C/30E PSN Host |
| +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ |
| | | | | | |A | | |
| |118-114 Bal|---|188-114 Bal|-|188-114 Bal|----|118-114 Bal| |
| | DTE | | DCE | | DCE | | DTE | |
| | | | | + | | | |
| +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| C/30E PSN Host |
| +-----------+ +-----------+ |
| |118-114 Bal| | | |
| | DTE | |118-114 Bal| |
| | | | DTE | |
| | | | | |
| +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| +---+---+ +---+---+ |
| | DPPE | | DPPE | |
| +---+---+ +---+---+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | +--+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +---+ |B |
| +---+---+ |D | | | | | |D | +---+---+ |
| | KGAB |--|P |-|188-114 Bal|-|188-114 Bal|--|P |--| KGAB | |
| | | |P | | | | DCE | |P | | | |
| +-------+ |C | | | | | |C | +-------+ |
| +--+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +---+ |
| |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-4
(2) Signaling Sense. Signaling sense for balanced and
unbalanced circuits is in accordance with EIA-422-A with the exception
of the differential voltage, which applied to the interconnecting
cable, is in the C/30E range of 2 volts to 9 volts. As defined in
RS-232-A, ON (0, Space, or +) is generated when the A terminal is
positive with respect to the B terminal, and OFF (1, MARK, or -) is
generated when the A terminal is negative with respect to the B terminal.
c. Bit Rate and Cable Length.
(1) EIA-449 Compliance. Interconnecting cable length and its
relation to data signaling rates is in accordance with EIA Standard 449,
section 6.10, and EIA Standard 422-A, section 4.3 and the appendix.
(2) Maximum Cable Length. The maximum cable length between the
remote modem and the host including the intervening FPA is 1000 feet;
however, cable lengths less than 200 feet are preferred.
d. Interchange Circuits.
(1) C/30E Local Modem Interface.
(a) Signal flow between the C/30E and the local modem is
shown in figure 2-3. This interface and associated hardware are
provided by DDN. The signal flow is the same when a KG-84A is used.
This interface uses EIA-449 pin assignments.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-5
(b) As shown in figure 2-3, the supported signals are
Send Data (SD), Send Timing (ST), Receive Data (RD), Receive Timing (RT),
and Terminal Ready (TR). Clear to Send (CS), Data Mode (DM), and
Receiver Ready (RR) are tied ON by the cable connected to the fantail.
Remote Loopback (RL) and Local Loopback (LL) are to be used for those
functions and they are connected at the DCE interface. Terminal Timing
(TT) is not supported from the PSN.
(c) Two special DDN-specific loopback signals, CL and DL,
are provided as shown in figure 2-3. The Signaling Rate Selector (SR)
signal is used by the PSN to loop the local KG-84A and is designated as
"C" loop or CL (standing for COMSEC Loopback) in figure 2-3 after it
leaves the C/30E fantail. SR is not connected to the DCE interface. The
Request To Send (RS) signal is reserved for future use within the FPA
KG-84A and is designated as "D" loop or DL. RS is not connected at the
DCE interface. The Terminal Ready (TR) signal from the PSN provides
both the Terminal Ready and Request to Send (RS) to the DCE.
(2) Host-Remote Modem Interface. The cable functional signal
flow between the remote modem and the DTE host is also shown in figure
2-3. The signal flow is the same as that described in 1.d.1, above.
The KGAB uses MS connectors with the pinout shown in figure 2-3 and
tables 2-2 and 2-3. Figure 2-3 shows DDN standard cables. Figure 2-2
is provided as an example of one way to connect to a remote host. If
DDN standard cables are not used, only the signals shown as mandatory
in table 2-2 are required. The optional signals are used by the PSN end
of the circuit.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-6
3. Mechanical Characteristics. All EIA-449/422 connectors offered for
the C/30E meet the specifications provided in this section.
a. Interface Connectors. DDN MIL-STD-188-114 DCE connectors are
DC-37S type (female) connectors. The DDN FPA uses an MS connector on
the KGAB counter assemblies.
b. Connector Contact Assignments.
(1) C/30E Connectors. All DDN EIA-449/422 contact assignments
are in accordance with EIA-449, section 3.4. In chapter 1, table 1-5
provides the standard DTE pinouts and section 2.d.3 provides circuit
(2) KGAB Connectors. KGAB connectors to the remote host and the
remote modem are shown in tables 2-2 and 2-3, respectively.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-7
PSN/ Patch Patch DCE
Host Cable # Panel Cable # KGAB Cable # Panel Cable #
6847 6817 6812 7835
Pin # Pin #
+--+ Pin # +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ Pin # +--+ Pin # +----+ +-----+ +----+ Pin # +--+
| | +/- | | | +/- | | | +/- | | +/- | | | +/- | | | +/- | |
|SD| 4/22 --------->| 2/14|---(1)---> 24/25 |SD| 2/3 -------->| 2/14|--------> 4/22 |SD|
| | | | | | | | | |
|ST| 5/23 --------->|15/16|<--(2)---- 4/5 |ST| 4/5 <--------|15/16|<-------- 5/23 |ST|
| | | | | | | | | |
|RD| 6/24 --------->| 3/19|<--(3)---- 6/7 |RD| 6/7 <--------| 3/19|<-------- 6/24 |RD|
| | | | | | | | | |
|RT| 8/26 --------->|17/18|<--(4)---- 8/9 |RT| 8/9 <--------|17/18|<-------- 8/26 |RT|
| | | | | | | | | |
|TR| 12/30 --------->|20/10|---(5)---> 10/11 |TR| 10/11 ------->|20/10|----+--->12/30 |TR|
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | +---> 7/25 |RS|
| | | | | | | | | |
| | NC<-------| 5/6 |<--(6)---- 14/15 |CS| 12/13 <-------| 5/6 |<-------- 9/27 |CS|
| | | | | | | | | |
|SG| 19/37 ------+---| 7/8 |---(7)---> 12/13 |SG| 14/15 --------| 7/8 |--------- 19/37|SG|
| | | | | | | | | | |
|SR| 16/37 ------|-->|12/13|---(8)---> 16/17 |CL| 16/17 ------->|12/13|------> NC | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|RL| 14/37 ------|-->|11/21|---(9)---> 18/19 |RL| 18/19 ------->|11/21|-------->14/37 |RL|
| | | | | | | | | | |
|RS| 7/37 ------|-->| 4/9 |---(10)--> 20/21 |DL| 20/21 ------->| 4/9 |------> NC | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|LL| 10/37 ------|-->|22/25|---(11)--> 22/23 |LL| 22/23 ------->|22/25|-------->10/37 |LL|
| | | | | | | | | | |
|ON| 28/32 --->+ +-->|24/23|---(12)--> 2/3 |TT| 24/25 ------->|24/23|-------->17/35 |TT|
|CS| 9/27 <---| +-----+ +--+ +-----+ | |
|DM| 11/29 <---| | |
|RR| 13/31 <---| | |
+--+ +--+
Notes: 1. Pin numbers are the same on both sides of Patch Panel.
2. Encircled numbers are the cable pair numbers.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-8
1 FG Frame Ground
4 SD + 103 Send Data
22 SD - 103 Send Data
5 ST + 114 Send Timing
23 ST - 114 Send Timing
6 RD + 104 Receive Data
24 RD - 104 Receive Data
7 RS + 105 Request to Send
25 RS - 105 Request to Send
8 RT + 115 Receive Timing
26 RT - 115 Receive Timing
9 CS + 106 Clear to Send
27 CS - 106 Clear to Send
12 TR + 108.2 Terminal Ready
30 TR - 108.2 Terminal Ready
17 TT + 113 Terminal Timing
35 TT - 113 Terminal Timing
19 SG 102 Signal Ground
37 SC 102a Send Common
2 SI 112 Signaling Rate Indicator
10 LL 141 Local Loopback
11 DM + 107 Data Mode
13 RR 109 Receiver Ready
14 RL 140 Remote Loopback
15 IC 125 Incoming Call
16 SF/SR 126/111 Select Frequency/Signaling Rate Selector
18 TM 142 Test Mode
20 RC 102b Receive Common
28 IS --- Terminal In Service
29 DM - 107 Data Mode
31 RR - 109 Receiver Ready
32 SS 116 Select Standby
33 SQ 110 Signal Quality
34 NS --- New Signal
36 SB 117 Standby Indicator
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-9
1 FG Frame Ground
24 SD + 103 Send Data
25 SD - 103 Send Data
4 ST + 114 Send Timing
5 ST - 114 Send Timing
6 RD + 104 Receive Data
7 RD - 104 Receive Data
8 RT + 115 Receive Timing
9 RT - 115 Receive Timing
10 TR + 108.2 Terminal Ready
11 TR - 108.2 Terminal Ready
12 SG 102 Signal Ground
13 SC 102a Send Common
19 SS 116 Select Standby
14 CS + 106 Clear to Send
15 CS - 106 Clear to Send
22 LL 141 Local Loopback
20 DL + 105 "D" Loop (Reserved)
21 DL - 105 "D" Loop (Reserved)
18 RL 140 Remote Loopback
2 TT + 113 Terminal Timing
3 TT - 113 Terminal Timing
16 CL + 126 "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
17 CL - 126 "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-10
1 FG Frame Ground
2 SD + 103 Send Data
3 SD - 103 Send Data
4 ST + 114 Send Timing
5 ST - 114 Send Timing
6 RD + 104 Receive Data
7 RD - 104 Receive Data
8 RT + 115 Receive Timing
9 RT - 115 Receive Timing
10 TR + 108.2 Terminal Ready
11 TR - 108.2 Terminal Ready
14 SG 102 Signal Ground
15 SG 102 Signal Ground
24 TT + 113 Terminal Timing
25 TT - 113 Terminal Timing
12 CS + 106 Clear To Send
13 CS - 106 Clear To Send
16 CL --- "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
17 CL - --- "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
18 RL + 140 Remote Loopback
19 RL - 140 Remote Loopback
20 DL + --- "D" Loop (Reserved)
21 DL - --- "D" Loop (Reserved)
22 LL + 141 Local Loopback
23 LL - 141 Local Loopback
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-11
4. Interconnecting Cables. Figures 2-4 and 2-5 provide a cabling
diagram of a configuration with a C/30E, modems, and FPAs. Table 2-4
describes the cables used for interconnecting these devices. See
chapter 1, section 4, for specifications on interconnecting cables.
Connection BBNCC Description
PSN/Host to DPPE 2406847GO1 12-pr, PSN/MSYNC 188-114
Bal Host to DB25P
DPPE to KGAB 2406817GO1 12-pr, DB25S to FPA-J1
KGAB to DPPC 2406812GO1 12-pr, FPA-J2 to DB25P
DPPC to DCE 2407835GO1 12-pr, DB25S to 188-114 DCE
DCAC-350-180-( ) 2-12
| |
| |
| |
| Cable # +-+ Cable # Cable # +-+ Cable # |
| +-----+2406847- | |2407835- 2407835-| | 240687- |
| |C/30E| G01 |D| G01 +-----+ +-----+ G01 |D| G01 +----+ |
| | PSN |---------|P|--------| DCE |---| DCE |--------|P|---------|DTE | |
| |(DTE)| |P| +-----+ +-----+ |P| |HOST| |
| +-----+ |E| |E| +----+ |
| +-+ +-+ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| +-----+ +-----+ |
| |C/30E| | DTE | |
| | PSN | | HOST| |
| |(DTE)| | | |
| +--+--+ +--+--+ |
| | Cable # Cable # | |
| | 2406847G01 2406847G01 | |
| +--+--+ +--+--+ |
| | DPPE| | DPPE| |
| +--+--+ +--+--+ |
| | Cable # Cable # | |
| | 2406817G01 2406817G01 | |
| | | |
| | Cable # Cable # Cable # Cable # | |
| +--+--+2406812-+-+ 2407835- 2407835- +-+2406812-+--+--+ |
| | | G01 |D| G01 +-----+ +-----+ G01 |D| G01 | | |
| | KGAB|--------|P|--------| DCE |----| DCE |--------|P|--------| KGAB| |
| | | |P| +-----+ +-----+ |P| | | |
| +-----+ |C| |C| +-----+ |
| +-+ +-+ |
| |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the obsolete DDN EIA-232-D connection at the neighbor
or nearby host. For ease of reference, table 3-1 equates the EIA-232-D,
EIA-449, and CCITT interface signal names. However, in the rest of this
chapter, only the EIA-232-D signal name will be used. DDN uses the
EIA-232-D interface only where an existing non-DDN standard PSN provides
such an interface, and it is not feasible to install a MIL-STD-188-114
balanced interface prior to upgrading the entire node to DDN standard
(MIL-STD-188-114 balanced serial host interfaces).
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels. The electrical measurements of the C/30E
EIA-232-D interface circuits are in accordance with EIA Standard 232-D,
section 2.1. For normal operation, the open circuit driver voltage shall
be no more than +15 V.
b. Clocking.
(1) Supported Clock Rates. The FD4 fantail contains the
connectors that terminate cables from all I/O interfaces. The FD4
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-2
fantail contains four EIA-232-D connectors configured as DTEs. This
interface has clock-sourcing capability allowing either the DTE or DCE
to provide the clock. The hardware can support external clock rates
between 1.2 kb/s and 112 kb/s. However, DDN policy is 9.6 kb/s for the
minimum PSN host bit rate, and 19.2 kb/s for the maximum rate.
(2) Signaling Sense. Signaling sense is in accordance with EIA
Standard 232-D, subsection 2.1.3. The signal is considered marking (OFF)
when the voltage on the interchange circuit is more negative than -3 V
with respect to signal ground, and spacing (ON) when the voltage is more
positive than +3 V with respect to signal ground.
c. Bit Rate and Cable Length. Interconnecting cable length is in
accordance with EIA-232-D, section 3.1. The recommended maximum cable
length between an EIA-232-D DCE and DTE is 200 feet when overall
shielded, low capacitance, twisted pair cable is used.
d. Interchange Circuits.
(1) Electrical Use of Interchange Circuits. The DDN electrical
use of interchange circuits is either static or active. Static circuits
are tied by the hardware so that the signal state remains constant on the
line, either ON or OFF. Active circuits change their state under program
control. DDN use of the interchange circuits is shown in table 3-2.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-3
ID Name ID Name ID Name
AB Signal Ground SG Signal Ground 102 Signal Ground
CE Ring Indicator IC Incoming Call 125 Calling Indicator
CD DTE Ready TR Terminal Ready 108/2 Data Terminal Ready
CC DCE Ready DM Data Mode 107 Data Set Ready
BA Transmitted Data SD Send Data 103 Transmitted Data
BB Received Data RD Receive Data 104 Received Data
DA Transmitter Signal Element Timing TT Terminal Timing 113 Transmitter Signal Element
(DTE Source) Timing (DTE Source)
DB Transmitter Signal Element Timing ST Send Timing 114 Transmitter Signal Element
(DCE Source) Timing (DCE Source)
DD Receiver Signal Element Timing RT Receive Timing 115 Receiver Signal Element
(DCE Source) Timing (DCE Source)
CA Request To Send RS Request To Send 105 Request To Send
CB Clear To Send CS Clear To Send 106 Ready For Sending
CF Received Line Signal Detector RR Receiver Ready 109 Data Channel Received Line
Signal Detector
CG Signal Quality Detector SQ Signal Quality 110 Data Signal Quality
CH Data Signal Rate Selector SR Signaling Rate Selector 111 Data Signaling Rate
(DTE Source) Selector (DTE Source)
CI Data Signal Rate Selector SI Signaling Rate 112 Data Signaling Rate
(DCE Source) Indicator Selector (DCE Source)
LL Local Loopback LL Local Loopback 141 Local Loopback
RL Remote Loopback RL Remote Loopback 140 Remote Loopback
TM Test Mode TM Test Mode 142 Test Indicator
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-4
(2) Software Use of Interchange Circuits. Interchange circuit
signals are used by the software in different ways. Active circuits are
under program control: either the software reacts to the circuit signal
when it changes, or the software can assert a circuit when necessary
(such as LL which can be used by operations personnel for testing
connections). Unsupported circuits either are not read by the software
or a value is written to the circuit by the software, and that value does
not change during operation. Table 3-2 provides a list of circuits and
their use.
(3) Interchange Circuit Definitions.
(a) Signal Ground. See EIA Standard 232-D.
(b) Ring Indicator. RI is reported to the Monitoring
Center; however, its value has no software effect.
(c) DCE Ready. This circuit must be asserted ON by the
DCE, and it is monitored by the PSN software.
(d) DTE Ready. This circuit is asserted ON by PSN
software when the link is initialized.
(e) Transmitted Data. See EIA Standard 232-D.
(f) Received Data. See EIA Standard 232-D.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-5
(g) Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DTE Source). See EIA
Standard 232-D. Also see subsection 2.b of this guide. This circuit
provides the clock for Transmitted Data when the PSN sources timing. The
frequency of this circuit should be equal to that of DTE-Sourced Receiver
Signal Element Timing.
(h) Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DCE Source). See EIA
Standard 232-D. This circuit provides the clock for Transmitted Data when
the clock for Transmitted Data when the DCE sources timing.
(i) Receiver Signal Element Timing (DTE Source). This
circuit provides the clock for Received Data when the PSN sources timing.
The frequency of this circuit should be equal to that of DTE-Sourced
Transmitter Signal Element Timing.
(j) Receiver Signal Element Timing (DCE Source). See EIA
Standard 232-D. This circuit provides clock for Received Data when the
DCE sources timing.
(k) Request to Send. This circuit is asserted ON by PSN
software when the link is initialized.
(l) Clear to Send. CS must be asserted ON by the DCE
because it is monitored to determine line status. If the signal state on
this line changes to OFF, the software macrocode will stop data
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-6
(m) Received Line Signal Detector. This circuit must be
asserted ON by the DCE because it is monitored to determine line status.
If the signal state on this line changes to OFF, the software macrocode
will stop receiving data.
(n) Signal Quality Detector. This circuit is reported to
the Monitoring Center; however, its value has no software effect.
(o) Data Signal Rate Selector (DTE Source). This circuit is
asserted OFF by the PSN software when the link is initialized.
(p) Data Signal Rate Selector (DCE Source). This circuit is
electrically active; however, its value has no software effect.
(q) Local Loopback. LL is electrically active, but asserted
OFF by PSN software when the link is initialized. LL can be controlled by
the Monitoring Center.
(r) Remote Loopback. RL is electrically active, but
asserted OFF by PSN software when the link is initialized. This circuit
is available for Monitoring Center control.
(s) Test Mode. TM is reported to the Monitoring Center;
however, its value has no software effect.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-7
232 Electrical Required State of Comments
ID EIA-232-D Name Source State Control/Status Signals
AB Signal Ground DTE/DCE Ground N/A*
BA Transmitted Data DTE Active N/A Data Circuit
BB Received Data DCE Active N/A Data Circuit
CA Request to Send DTE Active ON Asserted ON by PSN software.
CB Clear to Send DCE Active ON Asserted ON by DCE, and
monitored by PSN software to
determine line status.
CD DTE Ready DTE Active ON Asserted ON by PSN software.
CF Received Line Signal DCE Active ON Asserted ON by DCE, and
Detector monitored by PSN software to
determine line status.
CG Signal Quality DCE Active Don't Care Monitored by PSN software, but
Detector no action is taken.
CH Data Signal Rate DTE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
CI Data Signal Rate DCE Active Don't Care Not monitored by PSN software.
DA Transmitter Signal DTE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Element Timing Data when the PSN supplies
DB Transmitter Signal DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Element Timing Data when the DCE supplies
DC** Receive Signal DTE Active N/A Timing circuit used for
Element Timing Received Data when the PSN
supplies timing.
DD Receive Signal DCE Active N/A Timing circuit used for
Element Timing Received Data when the DCE
supplies timing.
CE Ring Indicator DCE Active Don't Care Monitored by PSN software, but
no action is taken.
LL Local Loopback DTE Active OFF Initialized to OFF by
software. Available for
Monitoring Center control.
RL Remote Loopback DTE Active OFF Initialized to OFF by
software. Available for
Monitoring Center control.
TM Test Mode DCE Active Don't Care Monitored by PSN software, but
no action is taken.
* N/A = Not Applicable
** The circuit name "DC" is from an earlier version of EIA-232.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-8
3. Mechanical Characteristics. All EIA-232-D connectors on the C/30E
meet the specifications provided in this section.
a. Interface Connectors. All C/30E fantail MSYNC EIA-232-D
connectors are DB-25P type (male) connectors. Intermating dimensions are
in accordance with EIA-232-D, section 3.2.1.
b. Connector Contact Assignments. DDN standard node EIA-232-D
connector contact assignments are in accordance with EIA-232-D, section
3.3.1. Table 3-3 provides DDN EIA-232-D connector pin assignments.
Signal use is specified in section 2.d.3.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-9
1 -- -- Shield
2 BA 103 Transmitted Data
3 BB 104 Received Data
4 CA 105 Request To Send
5 CB 106 Clear To Send
6 CC 107 DCE Ready
7 AB 102 Signal Ground (Common Return)
8 CF 109 Received Line Signal Detector
11 -- 126 Select Transmit Frequency
15 DB 114 Transmitted Signal Element Timing
(DCE Source)
17 DD 115 Receiver Signal Element Timing
(DCE Source)
18 LL 141 Local Loopback
19 DC* --- Receiver Signal Element Timing
(DTE Source)
20 CD 108/2 DTE Ready
21 CG 110 Signal Quality Detector
22 CE 125 Ring Indicator
23 CH/CI 111/112 Data Rate Selector
24 DA 113 Transmit Signal Element Timing
(DTE Source)
25 -- 142 Test Indicator
* The circuit name "DC" is from an earlier version of EIA-232.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-10
4. Interconnecting Cables.
a. For interconnecting cable specifications, see chapter 1, section
4, of this guide.
b. Figure 3-1 is a cabling diagram of a C/30E PSN connected to a
nearby EIA-232 host, and figure 3-2 is an example of an interconnecting
cable (BBNCC P/N# 2409318G01).
| |
| DB-25S DB-25S |
| / \ |
| +----------+ / \ +----------+ |
| | EIA-232 |--+ 2409318G01 +--| EIA-232 | |
| | DTE Host |P1|===============================|P2| C/30E | |
| | |--+ +--| (DTE) | |
| +----------+ +----------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 3-11
| DTE Host C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| DC-37S DC-37S |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| 1 FG >--------+ +-------< FG 1 |
| |
| Pair # |
| 2/7 SD >-(1)------\ /-----------< SD 2/7 |
| \ |
| 15/NC ST >-(2)---\ / \ /---------< TT 24/7 |
| / / \ |
| 3/NC RD >-(3)--/ \ / \-------< RD 3/NC |
| / \ |
| 17/NC RT >-(4)----/ \-----------< TRT 19/7 |
| |
| 4/7 RS >-(5)-----------\ /------< RS 4/7 |
| \ |
| 6/NC DM >-(6)--+--------/ \--+---< DM 6/NC |
| | | |
| 5/NC CS >------+ +---< CS 5/NC |
| | | |
| 8/NC RR >------+ +---< RR 8/NC |
| |
| 7/7 SG >-(7)-+--------------------< SG 7/7 |
| | |
| +--(8)----No Connection (NC) |
| | |
| +--(9)----NC |
| | |
| +--(10)---NC |
| | |
| +--(11)---NC |
| | |
| +--(12)---NC |
| | |
| +--(sp)---NC |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the obsolete DDN V.35 connection at the neighbor or
nearby host. All control signals have electrical characteristics of
EIA-232-D, and EIA-232-D signal names are used in the rest of this
chapter. The data and timing signals conform to Recommendation V.35.
Like the EIA-232 interface, the V.35 interface is used only where an
existing non-DDN-standard PSN provides such an interface, and it is not
feasible to install a MIL-STD-188-114 balanced interface prior to
upgrading the entire node to DDN-standard (MIL-STD-188-114 balanced serial
host interfaces).
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels. The electrical measurements of the C/30E V.35
interface circuits are in accordance with CCITT Recommendation V.35.
b. Clocking. The FD4 fantail contains the connectors that terminate
the cables from all I/O interfaces. The FD4 fantail contains four V.35
connectors configured as DTEs. This interface has clock-sourcing
capability allowing either the DCE or C/30E to provide
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-2
the clock. The hardware can support external clock rates between 300 b/s
and 100 kb/s. Three internal clocks are provided at the following rates:
76.8 kb/s, 57.6 kb/s, 9.6 kb/s.
(1) Signaling Sense. Signaling sense is in accordance with
CCITT Recommendation V.35. A binary "0" (space) is transmitted when
terminal "A" is positive (+.55v +20%) to terminal "B" (-.55V +20%). A
binary 1 is transmitted when terminal "A" is negative (-.55v +20%) to
terminal "B" (+.55v +20%). The drivers produce a nominal 1.1 volts
peak-to-peak signal balanced with respect to ground.
c. Bit Rate/Cable Length.
(1) Maximum Cable Length. The recommended maximum cable length
between a V.35 DCE and DTE is 30 feet when overall shielded, low
capacitance, twisted pair cable is used. Cable lengths of 100 feet are
also possible.
d. Interchange Circuits.
(1) Electrical Use of Interchange Circuits. The DDN electrical
use of interchange circuits is either static or active. Static circuits
are tied by the hardware so that the signal state remains constant on the
line, either ON or OFF. Active circuits change their state under program
control. DDN use of the interchange circuits is shown in table 4-1.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-3
(2) Software Use of Interchange Circuits. Interchange circuit
signals are used by the software in different ways. Active circuits are
under program control: either the software reacts to the circuit signal
when it changes, or the software can assert a circuit when necessary (such
as LL which can be used byoperations personnel for testing connections).
Unsupported circuits either are not read by the software or a value is
written to the circuit by the software, and that value does not change
during operation. Table 4-1 describes circuit use.
(3) Interchange Circuit Definitions. EIA-232-D signal names
are used throughout this chapter.
(a) Signal Ground. See EIA-232-D.
(b) DCE Ready. This circuit must be asserted ON by the
DCE, and it is monitored by the PSN software.
(c) Data Set Ready. This circuit must be asserted on by
the DCE, and it is monitored by the PSN.
(d) Transmitted Data. See EIA-232-D.
(e) Received Data. See EIA-232-D.
(f) Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DTE Source). See
EIA-232-D. Also see subsection 2.b of this guide. This circuit
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-4
provides the clock for Transmitted Data when the PSN sources timing. The
frequency of this circuit should be equal to that of Terminal Receive
(g) Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DCE Source). See
EIA-232-D. This circuit provides the clock for Transmitted Data when the
DCE sources timing.
(h) Receiver Signal Element Timing (DCE Source). See
EIA-232-D. This circuit provides clock for Received Data when the DCE
sources timing.
(i) Request to Send. This circuit is asserted ON by PSN
software when the link is initialized.
(j) Clear to Send. This circuit must be asserted ON by
the DCE and is monitored by PSN software to determine line status. If the
signal state on this line changes to OFF, the software macrocode will stop
data transmission.
(k) Received Line Signal Detector. This circuit must be
asserted ON by the DCE, and is monitored by PSN software to determine line
status. If the signal state on this line changes to OFF, the software
macrocode will stop receiving data.
(l) Terminal Receive Timing. This circuit is received by
another DTE via a crossover cable when the C/30E sources
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-5
timing, providing clock for Received Data. The frequency of this circuit
should be equal to that of DTE-Sourced Transmitter Signal Element Timing.
This circuit is equivalent to DC in older versions of EIA-232, as
referenced in chapter 3.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-6
CCITT Electrical Required State of Comments
ID Name Source State Control/Status Signals
101 Protective Ground DTE/DCE Ground N/A
102 Signal Ground DCE/DTE Ground N/A
103 Transmitted Data DTE Active N/A Data Circuit
104 Received Data DCE Active N/A Data Circuit
105 Request to Send DTE Active ON Asserted ON by PSN software.
106 Clear to Send DCE Active ON Asserted ON by DCE and
monitored by PSN software to
determine line status.
107 Data Set Ready DCE Active ON Asserted ON by DCE, and
monitored by PSN software.
109 Received Line DCE Active ON Asserted ON by DCE, and
Signal Detector monitored by PSN software to
determine line status.
113 Transmitter Signal DTE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Element Timing Data when the PSN supplies
--- Terminal Receive DTE Active N/A Timing circuit for Received
Timing Data when the PSN supplies
114 Transmitter Signal DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Element Timing Data when the DCE supplies
115 Receiver Signal DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Received
Element Timing Data when the DCE supplies
NOTES: N/A = Not Applicable
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-7
3. Mechanical Characteristics. All V.35 connectors offered for the C/30E
meet the specifications provided in this section. Cables for this
interface, supplied by DDN, are equipped with an EIA-449 connector at one
end to mate with the EIA-449 connector on the C/30E fantail; the other end
provides a MIL-C-28748 34-pin connector to mate with the V.35 DCE.
a. Interface Connectors. All V.35 connectors on the C/30E fantail
are DC-37P type (male) connectors. They are wired as described in table
(1) Intermating dimensions are in accordance with EIA-449-D.
(2) The means for C/30E DTE connectors to latch and unlatch from
the latching blocks on the DCE connector are within the dimensions
specified in EIA-449, section 3.3.1. DDN uses the English 4-40 thread
latching block.
b. Connector Contact Assignments. DDN standard node V.35 connector
contact assignments are in accordance with CCITT Recommendation V.35 and
ISO 2593. Table 4-2 provides DDN V.35 connector pin assignments. The
signals are used as specified in section 2.d.3.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-8
34-pin 37-pin* CCITT Signal Name 449
# # ID Name
A 1 101 Shield FG
P 4 103 Transmitted Data SD+
S 22 103 Transmitted Data SD- **
Y 5 114 Transmitter Signal Element ST+
Timing (DCE Source)
a/AA 23 114 Transmitter Signal Element ST-
Timing (DCE Source)
R 6 104 Received Data RD+
T 24 104 Received Data RD-
C 7 105 Request to Send RS+
- 25 102 Signal Ground SG
V 8 115 Receiver Signal Element Timing RT+
(DCE Source)
X 26 115 Receiver Signal Element Timing RT-
(DCE Source)
D 9 106 Clear to Send + CS+
- 27 102 Signal Ground SG
K 10 141 Local Test Loopback LL (LT)
E 11 107 Data Set Ready + DM+
- 29 102 Signal Ground SG-
- 31 102 Signal Ground SG-
F 13 109 Received Line Signal Detector RR
U 17 --- Terminal Timing TT+ ***
W 35 --- Terminal Timing TT- ***
L 16 --- Terminal Receive Timing TRT+ ***
N 34 --- Terminal Receive Timing TRT- ***
B 19 102 Signal Ground SG
B 37 102 Signal Ground SG
* This information represents a straight cable to a V.35 DCE.
** The + and - symbols, used in EIA-449, correspond to A and B,
respectively, in V.35 terminology.
*** Internally generated clocks are supplied on pins TT and TRT.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-9
4. Interconnecting Cables.
a. For interconnecting cable specifications, see chapter 1, section
4, of this guide.
b. Figure 4-1 is a cabling diagram of a V.35 PSN and nearby V.35
host, and figure 4-2 provides an example of an interconnecting cable
(BBNCC P/N# 2409320G01).
| |
| V.35S DC-37S |
| / \ |
| +--------+ / \ +---------+ |
| | V.35 |--+ 2409320G01 +--| V.35 | |
| | DTE |P1|======================================|P2| C/30E | |
| | Host |--+ +--| (DTE) | |
| +--------+ +---------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 4-10
| DTE Host C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| V.35S DC-37S |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| A FG >--------+ +-------< FG 1 |
| |
| Pair # |
| P/S SD >-(1)------\ /-----------< SD 4/22 |
| \ |
| Y/AA ST >-(2)---\ / \ /---------< TT 17/35 |
| / / \ |
| R/T RD >-(3)--/ \ / \-------< RD 6/24 |
| / \ |
| V/X RT >-(4)----/ \-----------< TRT 16/34 |
| |
| C/NC RS >-(5)-----------\ /------< RS 7/25 |
| \ |
| E/NC DM >-(6)--+--------/ \--+---< DM 11/29 |
| | | |
| D/NC CS >------+ +---< CS 9/27 |
| | | |
| F/NC RR >------+ +---< RR 13/31 |
| |
| B/B SG >-(7)-+--------------------< SG/SC 19/37 |
| | |
| +--(8)----No Connection (NC) |
| | |
| +--(9)----NC |
| | |
| +--(10)---NC |
| | |
| +--(11)---NC |
| | |
| +--(12)---NC |
| | |
| +--(sp)---NC |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the MIL-STD-188-114 balanced DTE interface that
connects the C/30E PSN with a modem. DDN supports Extended Modem Looping
(XMOD) through the MIL-STD-188-114 interface. This interface is largely in
conformance with the EIA-Standard 449/422, considered the general
commercial equivalent to MIL-STD-188-114. For ease of reference, Table
5-1 equates the EIA-449, EIA-232-D, and CCITT interface signal names.
However, in the rest of chapters 5 and 6, only the EIA-449 signal names
will be used.
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels. The electrical measurements of the C/30E 188-114
interface circuits are in accordance with MIL-STD-188-114, chapter 5,
except with regard to subsection Open Circuit Measurement. The
C/30E open circuit driver voltage, measured in accordance with, is
less than +9.0V for balanced drivers and +4.5V for unbalanced drivers.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-2
ID Name ID Name ID Name
SG Signal Ground AB Signal Ground 102 Signal Ground
SC Send Common -- 102a DTE Common
RC Receive Common -- 102b DCE Common
SD Send Data BA Transmitted Data 103 Transmitted Data
RD Receive Data BB Received Data 104 Received Data
RS Request To Send CA Request To Send 105 Request To Send
CS Clear To Send CB Clear To Send 106 Ready For Sending
DM Data Mode CC Data Set Ready (DCE Ready) 107 Data Set Ready
TR Terminal Ready CD Data Terminal Ready (DTE Ready) 108/2 Data Terminal Ready
RR Receiver Ready CF Received Line Signal Detector 109 Data Channel Received Line
Signal Detector
IS Terminal In Service -- ---
SR Signaling Rate Selector CH Data Signal Rate Selector 111 Data Signaling Rate
(DTE Source) Selector (DTE Source)
SI Signaling Rate CI Data Signal Rate Selector 112 Data Signaling Rate
Indicator (DCE Source) Selector (DCE Source)
NS New Signal -- ---
TT Terminal Timing DA Transmitter Signal Element Timing 113 Transmitter Signal Element
(DTE Source) Timing (DTE Source)
ST Send Timing DB Transmitter Signal Element Timing 114 Transmitter Signal Element
(DCE Source) Timing (DCE Source)
RT Receive Timing DD Receiver Signal Element Timing 115 Receiver Signal Element
Timing (DCE Source)
SS Select Standby -- 116 Select Standby
SF Select Frequency -- 126 Select Transmit Frequency
LL Local Loopback LL Local Loopback 141 Local Loopback
RL Remote Loopback RL Remote Loopback 140 Remote Loopback
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-3
b. Clocking. Two fantails, MMB and MMBC, provide the EIA-449
connectors that terminate cables from all I/O interfaces. The MMB fantail
connector is configured as a DTE. When the MMB fantail is used, the DCE
must provide clock because the MMB fantail does not support clock-sourcing
capability. TheMMBC, a clock-sourcing enhanced fantail, is configured as
a DCE and can provide clock.
(1) MMBC Clock Rates. MMBC and MMB interface hardware support
any external clock between 1.2 kb/s and 112 kb/s. However, DDN policy is
that the minimum PSN bit rate be 9.6 kb/s. When MMBC clock-sourcing
capability is used, the MMBC on-board clock generator provides the
frequencies described in Table 5-2.
Clock Frequency Accuracy*
112kHz, 64kHz,
56kHz, 50kHz +0.005% (50 ppm**)
* Accuracy over a temperature range of 10 to 30 degrees C.
** PPM = Parts Per Million
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-4
(2) Signaling Sense. Signaling sense for balanced and unbalanced
circuits is in accordance with EIA-422-A with the exception that the
differential voltage applied to the interconnecting cable is in the range
of 2 volts to 9 volts for the C/30E. As defined in EIA-422-A, ON (0,
Space, or +) is generated when A terminal is positive with respect to the
B terminal, and OFF (1, MARK, or -) is generated when A terminal is
negative with respect to the B terminal.
(3) On-Board Jumpers. There are three jumper option pairs on the
--1 Used for RS-422 mode (balanced Category I cirduits)
--2 Used for RS-423 mode (unbalanced Category I circuits)
--3 Used for normal (univerted) data operation
--4 Used to invert transmit and receive data
--5 Used for invert data in RS-423 mode
--6 Used for RS-422 mode or normal data in RS-423 mode
Boards are shipped from the factory with steps 1, 3, 6 selected.
c. Bit Rate and Cable Length. Interconnecting cable length and its
relation to data signaling rates are in accordance with EIA Standard 449,
section 6.10, and EIA Standard 422-A, section 4.3 and the appendix.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-5
(1) Maximum Cable Length. The maximum length of the cable is
1000 feet.
(2) Slew Rate Limiting. Signal rise time is set to 1 microsecond
(100 kb/s value).
d. Interchange Circuits. There are two EIA-449 trunk interfaces: a
non-clock-sourcing interface provided by the MMB daughterboard, and a
clock-sourcing interface provided by the MMBC daughterboard. The
difference in the implementation of these two interfaces is described in
this section, as well as in tables 5-3 and 5-4.
(1) Electrical Use of Interchange Circuits. The DDN electrical
use of interchange circuits is either static or active. Static circuits
are tied by the hardware so that the signal state remains constant on the
line, either ON or OFF. Active circuits change their state under program
control. DDN use of the interchange circuits is shown in Tables 5-3 and
(2) Software Use of Interchange Circuits. Interchange circuit
signals are used by the software in different ways. Active circuits are
under program control: the software canreact to a received signal when it
changes, and the software can assert a transmitted signal when necessary
(such as RS, TR, and LL which can be used by operations personnel for
testing connections). Unsupported circuits are either not read by the
software or a value is written to the circuit by the software and that
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-6
value does not change during operation. Tables 5-3 and 5-4 provides a
list of circuits and their use.
(3) Interchange Circuit Definitions. For additional information
about these interchange circuits, see EIA Standard 449. The following
descriptions assume use of full period/full duplex circuits, with flow
control handled at higher levels.
(a) Signal Ground. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(b) Send Common. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(c) Receive Common. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(d) Terminal in Service. For the non-clock-sourcing
interface, IS is tied ON by the hardware. For the clock-sourcing
interface, this circuit is not connected.
(e) Incoming Call. IC is not connected.
(f) Terminal Ready. For the non-clock-sourcing interface,
TR is asserted OFF by PSN software when the link is initialized and allows
Monitoring Center control. For the clock-sourcing interface, TR is not
(g) Data Mode. For the non-clock-sourcing interface,
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-7
DM is not monitored by the PSN software. For the clock-sourcing
interface, DM is asserted ON by hardware.
(h) Send Data. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(i) Receive Data. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(j) Terminal Timing. See EIA Standard EIA-449. TT is
supported as a "reflected clock" in phase with ST.
(k) Send Timing. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(l) Receive Timing. See EIA Standard EIA-449.
(m) Request to Send. For the non-clock-sourcing interface,
RS is asserted OFF by the PSN software when the link is initialized. RS
allows Monitoring Center control. For the clock-sourcing interface, RS is
not connected.
(n) Clear to Send. For the non-clock-sourcing interface, CS
is not monitored by the PSN software. For the clock-sourcing interface,
CS is asserted ON by hardware.
(o) Receiver Ready. For the non-clock-sourcing interface,
RR is not monitored by PSN software. For the clock-sourcing interface, RR
is asserted ON by hardware.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-8
(p) New Signal. For the non-clock-sourcing interface, NS is
tied OFF by the hardware. For the clock-sourcing interface, NS is not
(q) Select Frequency. For the non-clock-sourcing interface,
SF/SR is electrically active and asserted OFF by the hardware when the
link is initialized. For the clock-sourcing interface, SF/SR is not
(r) Signaling Rate Selector. See Select Frequency, 2.d.3.q
above for a description.
(s) Signaling Rate Indicator. SI is not connected.
(t) Local Loopback. For the non-clock-sourcing interfaces,
LL is electrically active, but asserted OFF by PSN software when the link
is initialized. LL can be controlled by the Monitoring Center. For the
clock-sourcing interface, LL is not connected.
(u) Remote Loopback. RL is electrically active, but
asserted OFF by PSN software when the link is initialized. For the
non-clock-sourcing interface, RL is not available for Monitoring Center
control. For the clock-sourcing interface, RL is asserted when another
DCE requests the PSN to enter remote loopback.
(v) Test Mode. For the non-clock-sourcing interface, TM
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-9
is not connected. For the clock-sourcing interface, TM is OFF during
normal operations but ON during loopback operations to acknowledge the
loopback request from another DCE.
(w) Select Standby. For the non-clock-sourcing interface,
SS is tied OFF by hardware. For the clock-sourcing interface, SS is not
monitored by PSN software but it is used as the remote loop indicator when
the PSN requests another DCE to enter remote loopback.
(x) Standby Indicator. For the non-clock-sourcing
interface, SB is not connected. For the clock-sourcing interface, SB is
OFF during normal operations, and it is used as the remote loop request
signal for loopback operations when the PSN requests another DCE to enter
remote loopback.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-10
449 Electrical Required State of Comments
ID EIA-449 Name Source Circuit Control/Status Signals
SG Signal Ground DTE/DCE Ground N/A Ground
SC Send Common DTE Ground N/A Common
RC Receive Common DCE Ground N/A Common
SD Send Data DTE Active N/A Data Circuit
RD Receive Data DCE Active N/A Data Circuit
RS Request to Send DTE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
Treated as LL for XMOD.
CS Clear to Send DCE Active Don't Care Not monitored by PSN software.
DM Data Mode DCE Active Don't Care Not monitored by PSN software.
TR Terminal Ready DTE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
Treated as RL for XMOD.
RR Receiver Ready DCE Active Don't Care Not monitored by PSN software.
SQ Signal Quality DCE Not Connected Don't Care Not connected in PSN.
SF/SR Select Frequency/ DTE Static OFF Tied OFF by hardware.
Signaling Rate Sel.
SI Signaling Rate DCE Not Connected Don't Care Not connected in PSN.
TT Terminal Timing DTE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Data when PSN supplies timing.
ST Send Timing DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Data when DCE provides timing.
RT Receive Timing DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Received
Data when DCE provides timing.
SS Select Standby DTE Static OFF Tied OFF by hardware.
SB Standby Indicator DCE Not Connected Don't Care Not connected in PSN.
IC Incoming Call DCE Not Connected Don't Care Not connected in PSN.
LL Local Loopback DTE Active OFF Tied to OFF by PSN software.
Treated as CL for XMOD.
RL Remote Loopback DTE Static OFF Tied OFF by hardware.
TM Test Mode DCE Not Connected Don't Care Not connected in PSN.
NS New Signal DTE Static OFF Tied OFF by hardware.
IS Terminal in Service DTE Static ON Tied ON by hardware.
AT Alternate Timing DTE Not Connected N/A Not monitored by PSN software.
NOTE: N/A = Not Applicalbe
* MMB provides a non-clock-sourcing (DTE) interface.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-11
3. Mechanical Characteristics. All EIA-449/422 connectors offered for
the C/30E meet the following specifications.
a. Interface Connectors. All C/30E EIA-449 connectors interfacing an
MMB with an MMBC have DC-37P type (male) connectors for the MMB side and
a DC-37S type (female) connectors for the MMBC side. Two interfacing
MMBC-configured PSNs use two DC-37P connectors.
(1) Intermating dimensions are in accordance with EIA-449,
section 3.3.1.
(2) The means for C/30E DTE connectors to latch and unlatch from
the latching blocks on the DCE connector are within the dimensions
specified in EIA-449, section 3.3.2. DDN uses the English 4-40 thread
latching block.
b. Connector Contact Assignments. All C/30E EIA-449/422 contact
assignments are in accordance with EIA-449, section 3.4. Table 5-4
provides the DDN standard node connector pinout. The signals are used as
specified in section 2.d.3 of the Standard.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-12
1 FG Frame Ground
2 SI 111 Not Connected
20 RC 102b Receive Common
3 AT --- Not Connected
21 AT --- Not Connected
4 SD 103 Send Data +
22 SD 103 Send Data -
5 ST 114 Send Timing +
23 ST 114 Send Timing -
6 RD 104 Receive Data +
24 RD 104 Receive Data -
7 RS 105 Request to Send +
25 RS 105 Request to Send -
8 RT 115 Receive Timing +
26 RT 115 Receive Timing -
9 CS 106 Clear to Send +
27 CS 106 Clear to Send -
10 LL 141 Local Loopback
28 IS --- Tied to "1" on MMB, Not Connected on MMBC
11 DM 107 Data Mode +
29 DM 107 Data Mode -
12 TR 108.2 Terminal Ready +
30 TR 108.2 Terminal Ready -
13 RR 109 Receiver Ready +
31 RR 109 Receiver Ready
14 RL 140 Remote Loopback - Tied to "0" on MMB,
Active on MMBC
32 SS 116 Select Standby - Tied to "0"
15 IC 125 Incoming Call
33 SQ 110 Signal Quality
16 SF/SR 126 Select Frequency/Signaling Rate
Tied to "1"
34 NS --- New Signal - Tied to "0"
17 TT 113 Terminal Timing +
35 TT 113 Terminal Timing -
18 TM 142 Not Connected - MMBC Has This
36 SB 117 Not Connected - MMBC Has This
19 SG 102 Signal Ground
37 SC 102a Send Common
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-13
4. Interconnecting Cables.
a. For interconnecting cable specifications, see chapter 1, section
4, of this guide.
b. Figure 5-1 is a cabling diagram of a C/30E PSN connected to a
nearby EIA-449 PSN via an MMB-MMBC configuration. Figure 5-2 is a
cabling diagram of a C/30E PSN connected to a nearby EIA-449 PSN via an
MMBC-MMBC configuration, the preferred configuration for the DDN. Figure
5-3 is an example of a cable used to interconnect the MMB-MMBC
configuration, whereas figure 5-4 illustrates the MMBC-MMBC nearby
EIA-449 PSN connection.
(1) Conductor Size. Interconnecting cables should be in
accordance with MIL-STD-188-114, Appendix 10, with regard to conductor
(subsection 10.1.1). Interconnecting cables or wires should be composed
of wires of a 24 AWG or larger conductor for solid or stranded copper
wires, or for non-copper conductors a sufficient size to yield a dc wire
resistance not to exceed 30 ohms/1000 feet per conductor.
(2) Mutual Pair Capacitance. In accordance with MIL-STD-188-114,
the capacitance between one wire in the pair to the other wire in the pair
should not exceed 20 picofarads/foot, and the value should be reasonably
uniform over the length of the wire or cable.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-14
(3) Stray Capacitance. In accordance with MIL-STD-188-144, the
capacitance between ome wire in the cable to all others in the cable
sheath, with all others connected to ground, should not exceed 40
picofarads/foot, and should be reasonably uniform for a given conductor
over the lenght of the wire or cable.
(4) Pair-to-Pair Balanced Crosstalk. In accordance with
MIL-STD-188-144, Appendix 10, with regard to pair-to-pair balanced
crosstalk (subsection 10.1.4), the crosstalk from one pair of wires to any
other pair in the same cable sheath should have a minimun value of 40 dB
attenuation measured at 150 kHz.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-15
| |
| DC-37PS DC-37P |
| +----------+ / \ +----------+ |
| | EIA-499 | / \ | C/30E | |
| | C/30E |--+ 2409327G01 +--| EIA-449 | |
| | DTE |P1|=============================|P2| DCE | |
| | (MMB) |--+ +--| (MMBC) | |
| | | | | |
| +----------+ +----------+ |
| |
| |
| DC-37P DC-37P |
| +----------+ / \ +----------+ |
| | | / \ | | |
| | C/30E |--+ 2409328G01 +--| C/30E | |
| | MMBC |P1|=============================|P2| MMBC | |
| | DCE |--+ +--| DCE | |
| | | | | |
| +----------+ +----------+ |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-16
| C/30E C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| DC-37S DC-37S |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| 1 FG >--------+ +-------< FG 1 |
| |
| |
| Pair # |
| 4/22 SD >-(1)----------------------< SD 4/22 |
| |
| 5/23 ST >-(2)----------------------< ST 5/23 |
| |
| 6/24 RD >-(3)----------------------< RD 6/24 |
| |
| 8/26 RT >-(4)----------------------< RT 8/26 |
| |
| 12/30 TR >-(5)----------------------< TR 12/30 |
| |
| 9/27 CS >-(6)----------------------< CS 9/27 |
| |
| 19/37 SG\SC >-(7)----------------------< SG/SC 19/37 |
| |
| 11/29 DM >-(8)----------------------< TM 20/18 |
| |
| 13/31 RR >-(10)-+-------------------< RR 13/31 |
| | |
| 7/SC RS >-(11)-|-------------------< RL 14/NC |
| | |
| 17/35 TT >-(12)-|-------------------< TT 17/35 |
| | |
| +-(9)--- NO CONNECTION |
| (NC) |
| |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 5-17
| C/30E C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| DC-37P DC-37P |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| 1 FG >--------+ +-------< FG 1 |
| |
| |
| Pair # |
| 4/22 SD >-(1)-------\ /-----------> SD 4/22 |
| \ |
| 6/24 RD >-(3)-------/ \----------> RD 6/24 |
| |
| 8/26 RT >-(4)----\ /--< RT 8/26 |
| \ / |
| 12/30 TR >-(5)------\----------/----< TR 12/30 |
| \ / |
| 9/27 CS >-(6)--------\------/------< CS 9/27 |
| \ / |
| 19/37 SG\SC >-(7)----------\--/--------< SG/SC 19/37 |
| \/ |
| 32/NC DM >-(8)-----------/\---------< TM 18/SG |
| / \ |
| 18/SG TM >-(10)--------/----\-------< SS 32/NC |
| / \ |
| 14/NC RL >-(11)------/--------\-----< SB 36/SG |
| / \ |
| 17/35 TT >-(12)-+--/ \---< TT 17/35 |
| | |
| >------|-(2)--- NO CONNECTION |
| | (NC) |
| +-(5)--- NC |
| | |
| +-(9)--- NC |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the MIL-STD-188-114 balanced remote trunk interface.
DDN supports Extended Modem Looping (XMOD) through the MIL-STD-188-114
interface. This chapter also documents the interface between the remote
modem and the PSN (demarcation point A in figure 6-1) with no intervening
cryptographic devices (KG-84As). Eventually KG-84As will be required for
all trunk circuits; therefore, chapter 6 also provides an example of the
cabling that connects from the remote modem to the remote Fixed Plant
Adapter (FPA) and then to the PSN (demarcation point B in figure 6-2).
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels. The modems used will conform to EIA Standard
449. The electrical interface of the KG-84A is in accordance with
MIL-STD-188-114, chapter 5, except with regard to subsection Open
Circuit Measurement. The open circuit driver voltage, measured in
accordance with section of this
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-2
statement, is less than +9.0V for balanced drivers and +4.50V for
unbalanced drivers.
b. Clocking.
(1) Modem Clocking. The modem supplies timing on the Send Timing
and Receive Timing circuits. Terminal Timing isnot supported for remote
PSN interfaces. While the DDN hardware will support between 1.2 kb/s and
64 kb/s, DDN policy states that the minimum PSN access rate be 9.6 kb/s.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-3
| |
| |
| C/30E PSN C/30E PSN |
| +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ |
| | | | | | |A | | |
| |118-114 Bal|---|188-114 Bal|-|188-114 Bal|----|118-114 Bal| |
| | DTE | | DCE | | DCE | | DTE | |
| | | | | + | | | |
| +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| C/30E PSN C/30E PSN |
| +-----------+ +-----------+ |
| |118-114 Bal| | | |
| | DTE | |118-114 Bal| |
| | | | DTE | |
| | | | | |
| +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| +---+---+ +---+---+ |
| | DPPE | | DPPE | |
| +---+---+ +---+---+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | +--+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +---+ |B |
| +---+---+ |D | | | | | |D | +---+---+ |
| | KGAB |--|P |-|188-114 Bal|-|188-114 Bal|--|P |--| KGAB | |
| | | |P | | | | DCE | |P | | | |
| +-------+ |C | | | | | |C | +-------+ |
| +--+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +---+ |
| |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-4
(2) Signaling Sense. Signaling sense for balanced and unbalanced
circuits is in accordance with EIA Standard 422-A with the exception of
the differential voltage, which applied to the interconnecting cable, is
in the C/30E range of 2 volts to 9 volts. As defined in EIA Standard
422-A, ON (0, Space, or +) is generated when the A terminal is positive
with respect to the B terminal, and OFF (1, MARK, or -) is generated when
the A terminal is negative with respect to the B terminal.
c. Bit Rate and Cable Length.
(1) EIA-449 Compliance. Interconnecting cable length and its
relation to data signaling rates are in accordance with EIA Standard 449,
section 6.10, and EIA Standard 422-A, section 4.3 and the Appendix.
(2) Maximum Cable Length. The maximum cable length between the
remote modem and the PSN, including the intervening FPA is 1000 feet;
however, cable lengths less than 200 feet are preferred.
d. Interchange Circuits.
(1) C/30E Local Modem Interface.
(a) Signal flow between the C/30E and the local modem is
shown in figure 6-3. This interface and associated hardware are provided
by DDN. The signal flow is the same when a KG-84A is used. This
interface uses EIA-449 pin assignments.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-5
(b) As shown in figure 6-3, the supported signals are Send
Data (SD), Send Timing (ST), Receive Data (RD), and Receive Timing (RT).
Clear to Send (CS), Data Mode (DM), and ReceiverReady (RR) are tied ON by
the cable connected to the fantail.Terminal Ready (TR) is being used for
the Remote Loopback (RL) function. Request to Send (RS) is being used for
the Local Loopback (LL) function. The signal LL is being used for the
COMSEC Loopback (CL) described below.
(c) A special DDN-specific loopback signal, CL, is provided
as shown in figure 6-3. The Local Loopback (LL) signal is used by the PSN
to loop the local KG-84A and is designated as "C" loop or CL (standing
for COMSEC Loopback) in figure 6-3 after it leaves the C/30E fantail.
3. Mechanical Characteristics. All EIA-449/422 connectors offered for
the C/30E meet the specifications of this section.
a. Interface Connectors. DDN MIL-STD-188-114 DCE connectors are
DC-37S type (female) and DC-37P type (male) connectors. The DDN FPA uses
an MS connector on the KGAB counter assemblies.
b. Connector Contact Assignments.
(1) C/30E Connectors. All DDN EIA-449/422 contact assignments
are in accordance with EIA Standard 449, section 3.4. In chapter 1, Table
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-6
5-4 provides the standard DTE pinouts and section 2.d.3 of the Standard
provides circuit descriptions.
(2) KGAB Connectors. KGAB connectors to the remote C/30E and the
remote modem are shown in Tables 6-2 and 6-3, respectively.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-7
PSN/ Patch Patch DCE
MII Cable # Panel Cable # KGAB Cable # Panel Cable #
6833 6817 6812 7835
Pin # Pin #
+--+ Pin # +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ Pin # +--+ Pin # +----+ +-----+ +----+ Pin # +--+
| | +/- | | | +/- | | | +/- | | +/- | | | +/- | | | +/- | |
|SD| 4/22 --------->| 2/14|---(1)---> 24/25 |SD| 2/3 -------->| 2/14|--------> 4/22 |SD|
| | | | | | | | | |
|ST| 5/23 --------->|15/16|<--(2)---- 4/5 |ST| 4/5 <--------|15/16|<-------- 5/23 |ST|
| | | | | | | | | |
|RD| 6/24 --------->| 3/19|<--(3)---- 6/7 |RD| 6/7 <--------| 3/19|<-------- 6/24 |RD|
| | | | | | | | | |
|RT| 8/26 --------->|17/18|<--(4)---- 8/9 |RT| 8/9 <--------|17/18|<-------- 8/26 |RT|
| | | | | | | | | |
|SR/ 12/30 --------->|20/10|---(5)---> 10/11 |TR| 10/11 ------->|20/10|----+--->12/30 |TR|
|NS| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | +---> 7/25 |RS|
| | | | | | | | | |
| | NC<-------| 5/6 |<--(6)---- 14/15 |CS| 12/13 <-------| 5/6 |<-------- 9/27 |CS|
| | | | | | | | | |
|SG| 19/37 ------+---| 7/8 |---(7)---> 12/13 |SG| 14/15 --------| 7/8 |--------- 19/37|SG|
| | | | | | | | | | |
|SR| 16/37 ------|-->|12/13|---(8)---> 16/17 |CL| 16/17 ------->|12/13|------> NC | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|RL| 14/37 ------|-->|11/21|---(9)---> 18/19 |RL| 18/19 ------->|11/21|-------->14/37 |RL|
| | | | | | | | | | |
|RS| 7/37 ------|-->| 4/9 |---(10)--> 20/21 |DL| 20/21 ------->| 4/9 |------> NC | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|LL| 10/37 ------|-->|22/25|---(11)--> 22/23 |LL| 22/23 ------->|22/25|-------->10/37 |LL|
| | | | | | | | | | |
|ON| 28/32 --->+ +-->|24/23|---(12)--> 2/3 |TT| 24/25 ------->|24/23|-------->17/35 |TT|
|CS| 9/27 <---| +-----+ +--+ +-----+ | |
|DM| 11/29 <---| | |
|RR| 13/31 <---| | |
+--+ +--+
Notes: 1. Pin numbers are the same on both sides of Patch Panel.
2. Encircled numbers are the cable pair numbers.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-8
1 FG Frame Ground
4 SD + 103 Send Data
22 SD - 103 Send Data
5 ST + 114 Send Timing
23 ST - 114 Send Timing
6 RD + 104 Receive Data
24 RD - 104 Receive Data
7 RS + 105 Request to Send
25 RS - 105 Request to Send
8 RT + 115 Receive Timing
26 RT - 115 Receive Timing
9 CS + 106 Clear to Send
27 CS - 106 Clear to Send
12 TR + 108.2 Terminal Ready
30 TR - 108.2 Terminal Ready
17 TT + 113 Terminal Timing
35 TT - 113 Terminal Timing
19 SG 102 Signal Ground
37 SC 102a Send Common
2 SI 112 Signaling Rate Indicator
10 LL 141 Local Loopback
11 DM + 107 Data Mode
13 RR 109 Receiver Ready
14 RL 140 Remote Loopback
15 IC 125 Incoming Call
16 SF/SR 126/111 Select Frequency/Signaling Rate
18 TM 142 Test Mode
20 RC 102b Receive Common
28 IS --- Terminal In Service
29 DM - 107 Data Mode
31 RR - 109 Receiver Ready
32 SS 116 Select Standby
33 SQ 110 Signal Quality
34 NS --- New Signal
36 SB 117 Standby Indicator
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-9
1 FG Frame Ground
24 SD + 103 Send Data
25 SD - 103 Send Data
4 ST + 114 Send Timing
5 ST - 114 Send Timing
6 RD + 104 Receive Data
7 RD - 104 Receive Data
8 RT + 115 Receive Timing
9 RT - 115 Receive Timing
10 TR + 108.2 Terminal Ready
11 TR - 108.2 Terminal Ready
12 SG 102 Signal Ground
13 SC 102a Send Common
19 SS 116 Select Standby
14 CS + 106 Clear to Send
15 CS - 106 Clear to Send
22 LL 141 Local Loopback
20 DL + 105 "D" Loop (Reserved)
21 DL - 105 "D" Loop (Reserved)
18 RL 140 Remote Loopback
2 TT + 113 Terminal Timing
3 TT - 113 Terminal Timing
16 CL + 126 "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
17 CL - 126 "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-10
1 FG Frame Ground
2 SD + 103 Send Data
3 SD - 103 Send Data
4 ST + 114 Send Timing
5 ST - 114 Send Timing
6 RD + 104 Receive Data
7 RD - 104 Receive Data
8 RT + 115 Receive Timing
9 RT - 115 Receive Timing
10 TR + 108.2 Terminal Ready
11 TR - 108.2 Terminal Ready
14 SG 102 Signal Ground
15 SG 102 Signal Ground
24 TT + 113 Terminal Timing
25 TT - 113 Terminal Timing
12 CS + 106 Clear To Send
13 CS - 106 Clear To Send
16 CL --- "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
17 CL - --- "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
18 RL + 140 Remote Loopback
19 RL - 140 Remote Loopback
20 DL + --- "D" Loop (Reserved)
21 DL - --- "D" Loop (Reserved)
22 LL + 141 Local Loopback
23 LL - 141 Local Loopback
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-11
4. Interconnecting Cables. Figures 6-4 and 6-5 provide a cabling
diagram of a configuration with a C/30E, modems, and FPAs. Table 6-4
describes the cables used for interconnecting these devices. See chapter
1, section 4, for specifications on interconnecting cables.
Connection BBNCC Description
PSN IMP/MII to DPPE 2406833G01 12-pr, PSN/MSYNC 188-114 Bal
Host to DB25P
DPPE to KGAB 2406817GO1 12-pr, DB25S to FPA-J1
KGAB to DPPC 2406812GO1 12-pr, FPA-J2 to DB25P
DPPC to DCE 2407835GO1 12-pr, DB25S to 188-114 DCE
DCAC-350-180-( ) 6-12
| |
| |
| |
| Cable # +-+ Cable # Cable # +-+ Cable # |
| +-----+2406833- | |2407835- 2407835-| | 2406833- |
| |C/30E| G01 |D| G01 +-----+ +-----+ G01 |D| G01 +----+ |
| | PSN |---------|P|--------| DCE |---| DCE |--------|P|---------|DTE | |
| |(DTE)| |P| +-----+ +-----+ |P| |HOST| |
| +-----+ |E| |E| +----+ |
| +-+ +-+ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| +-----+ +-----+ |
| |C/30E| |C/30E| |
| | PSN | | PSN | |
| |(DTE)| | | |
| +--+--+ +--+--+ |
| | Cable # Cable # | |
| | 2406833G01 2406833G01 | |
| +--+--+ +--+--+ |
| | DPPE| | DPPE| |
| +--+--+ +--+--+ |
| | Cable # Cable # | |
| | 2406817G01 2406817G01 | |
| | | |
| | Cable # Cable # Cable # Cable # | |
| +--+--+2406812-+-+ 2407835- 2407835- +-+2406812-+--+--+ |
| | | G01 |D| G01 +-----+ +-----+ G01 |D| G01 | | |
| | KGAB|--------|P|--------| DCE |----| DCE |--------|P|--------| KGAB| |
| | | |P| +-----+ +-----+ |P| | | |
| +-----+ |C| |C| +-----+ |
| +-+ +-+ |
| |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the obsolete DDN EIA-232-D PSNconnection at the
neighbor or nearby PSN. DDN supports Extended Modem Looping (XMOD)
through the EIA-232-D interface. For ease of reference, Table 7-1 equates
the EIA-232-D, EIA-449, and CCITT interface signal names. However, in the
rest of this chapter, only the EIA-232-D signal name will be used. DDN
uses the EIA-232-D interface only where an existing non-DDN standard PSN
provides such an interface, and it is not feasible to install a
MIL-STD-188-114 balanced interface prior to upgrading the entire node to
DDN standard (MIL-STD-188-114 balanced serial trunk interfaces).
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels. The electrical measurements of the C/30E
EIA-232-D interface circuits are in accordance with EIA Standard 232-D,
section 2.1. For normal operation, the open circuit driver voltage shall
be no more than +15 V.
b. Clocking.
(1) Supported Clock Rates. The MMR fantail contains the
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-2
connector that terminates a cable from all the DTE. The fantail contains
one EIA-232-D connector configured as a DTE. This interface has no
clock-sourcing capability. The hardware can support external clock rates
between 1.2 kb/s and 112 kb/s. However, DDN policy is 9.6 kb/s for the
minimum PSN bit rate and 19.2 kb/s for the maximum rate.
(2) Signaling Sense. Signaling sense is in accordance with EIA
Standard 232-D, subsection 2.1.3. The signal is considered marking (OFF)
when the voltage on the interchange circuit is more negative than -3 V
with respect to signal ground, and spacing (ON) when the voltage is more
positive than +3 V with respect to signal ground.
c. Bit Rate and Cable Length. Interconnecting cable length is in
accordance with EIA-232-D, section 3.1. The recommended maximum cable
length between an EIA-232-D DCE and DTE is 200 feet when overall shielded,
low capacitance, twisted pair cable is used.
d. Interchange Circuits.
(1) Electrical Use of Interchange Circuits. The DDN electrical
use of interchange circuits is either static or active. Static circuits
are tied by the hardware so that the signal state remains constant on the
line, either ON or OFF. Active circuits change their state under program
control. DDN use of the interchange circuits is shown in Table 7-2.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-3
ID Name ID Name ID Name
AB Signal Ground SG Signal Ground 102 Signal Ground
CE Ring Indicator IC Incoming Call 125 Calling Indicator
CD DTE Ready TR Terminal Ready 108/2 Data Terminal Ready
CC DCE Ready DM Data Mode 107 Data Set Ready
BA Transmitted Data SD Send Data 103 Transmitted Data
BB Received Data RD Receive Data 104 Received Data
DA Transmitter Signal Element Timing TT Terminal Timing 113 Transmitter Signal Element
(DTE Source) Timing (DTE Source)
DB Transmitter Signal Element Timing ST Send Timing 114 Transmitter Signal Element
(DCE Source) Timing (DCE Source)
DD Receiver Signal Element Timing RT Receive Timing 115 Receiver Signal Element
(DCE Source) Timing (DCE Source)
CA Request To Send RS Request To Send 105 Request To Send
CB Clear To Send CS Clear To Send 106 Ready For Sending
CF Received Line Signal Detector RR Receiver Ready 109 Data Channel Received Line
Signal Detector
CG Signal Quality Detector SQ Signal Quality 110 Data Signal Quality
CH Data Signal Rate Selector SR Signaling Rate Selector 111 Data Signaling Rate
(DTE Source) Selector (DTE Source)
CI Data Signal Rate Selector SI Signaling Rate 112 Data Signaling Rate
(DCE Source) Indicator Selector (DCE Source)
LL Local Loopback LL Local Loopback 141 Local Loopback
RL Remote Loopback RL Remote Loopback 140 Remote Loopback
TM Test Mode TM Test Mode 142 Test Indicator
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-4
(2) Software Use of Interchange Circuits. Interchange circuit
signals are used by the software in different ways. Active circuits are
under program control: either the software reacts to a received signal
when it changes, or the software can assert a transmitted signal when
necessary (such as LL which can be used by operations personnel for
testing connections). Unsupported circuits are either not read by the
software or a value is written to the circuit by the software, and that
value does not change during operation. Table 7-2 provides a list of
circuits and their use.
(3) Interchange Circuit Definitions.
(a) Signal Ground. See EIA Standard 232-D.
(b) DCE Ready. This circuit is not monitored by the PSN
(c) DTE Ready. This circuit is asserted OFF by PSN software
when the link is initialized. Available for Monitoring Center control.
(d) Transmitted Data. See EIA Standard 232-D.
(e) Received Data. See EIA Standard 232-D.
(f) Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DCE Source). See EIA
Standard 232-D. This circuit provides the clock for Transmitted Data when
the DCE sources timing.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-5
(g) Receiver Signal Element Timing (DCE Source). See EIA
Standard 232-D. This circuit provides clock for Received Data when the
DCE sources timing.
(h) Request to Send. This circuit is asserted OFFby PSN
software when the link is initialized. Available for Monitoring Center
(i) Clear to Send. This circuit must be asserted ON by the
DCE, but it is not monitored by the PSN software.
(j) Received Line Signal Detector. This circuit must be
asserted ON by the DCE, but it is not monitored by the PSN software.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-6
232 Electrical Required State of Comments
ID EIA-232-D Name Source State Control/Status Signals
AB Signal Ground DTE/DCE Ground N/A*
BA Transmitted Data DTE Active N/A Data Circuit
BB Received Data DCE Active N/A Data Circuit
CA Request to Send DTE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
Treated as LL for XMOD.
CB Clear to Send DCE Active Don't Care Not monitored by PSN software.
CC DCE Ready DCE Active Don't Care Not monitored by PSN software.
CD DTE Ready DTE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
Treated as RL for XMOD.
CF Received Line Signal DCE Active Don't Care Not monitored by PSN software.
DB Transmitter Signal DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Data when the DCE supplies
DD Receive Signal DCE Active N/A Timing circuit used for
Element Timing Received Data when the DCE supplies
No action is taken.
* N/A = Not Applicable
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-7
3. Mechanical Characteristics. The MMR EIA-232-D connectors on the C/30E
meets the specifications provided in this section.
a. Interface Connectors. The MMR C/30E fantail EIA-232-D connector
is a DB-25P type (male) connectors. Intermating dimensions are in
accordance with EIA-232-D, section 3.2.1.
b. Connector Contact Assignments. DDN standard node EIA-232-D
connector contact assignments are in accordance with EIA-232-D, section
3.3.1. Table 7-3 provides DDN EIA-232-D connector pin assignments.
Signal use is specified in section 2.d.3. of this Standard.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-8
1 -- -- Shield
2 BA 103 Transmitted Data
3 BB 104 Received Data
4 CA 105 Request To Send
5 CB 106 Clear To Send
6 CC 107 DCE Ready
7 AB 102 Signal Ground (Common Return)
8 CF 109 Received Line Signal Detector
9 -- --- + DC Test Voltage (+8VDC)
10 -- --- - DC Test Voltage (-8VDC)
11 DB 114 Transmitted Signal Element Timing
(DCE Source)
12 DD 115 Receiver Signal Element Timing
(DCE Source)
13 CD 108/2 DTE Ready
* The circuit name "DC" is from and earlier version of EIA-232.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 7-9
4. Interconnecting Cables.
a. For interconnecting cable specifications, see chapter 1 and
section 4, of this guide.
b. Figure 7-1 is a cabling diagram of a C/30E PSN connected to a
nearby EIA-232 PSN, and figure 7-2 is an example of an interconnecting
cable (BBNCC P/N# 2405535GO1).
| |
| DB-25S DB-25S |
| / \ |
| +--------+ / +-----+ \ +--------+ |
| |EIA-232 |--+ 2405535G01 +--|RS232|--+ 2405535G01 +--|EIA-232 | |
| | C/30E |P1|=============|P2| SME |P1|============|P2| C/30E | |
| | PSN |--+ +--| |--+ +--| PSN | |
| | (DTE) | / +-----+ \ | (DTE) | |
| +--------+ / \ +--------+ |
| DB-25P DB-25P |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the obsolete DDN V.35 connection between two remote
PSNs. DDN standard does not support neighbor or nearby V.35 PSN-PSN
connections. Like the EIA-232 interface, the V.35 interface is used only
where an existing non-DDN-standard PSN provides such an interface, and it
is not feasible to install a MIL-STD-188-114 balanced interface prior to
upgrading the entire node to DDN-standard (MIL-STD-188-114 balanced serial
PSN interfaces). All control signals have electrical characteristics of
EIA-232-D, and EIA-232-D signal names are used in the rest of this
chapter. The data and timing signals conform to Recommendation V.35. DDN
supports Extended Modem Looping (XMOD) through the V.35 interface.
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels. The electrical measurements of the C/30E V.35
interface circuits are in accordance with CCITT Recommendation V.35.
b. Clocking. The MMV interface hardware contains the connectors
that terminate the cables from all I/O interfaces. The MMV fantail
contains one V.35 connector configured as a DTE. This interface has no
clock-sourcing capability. The hardware can support external clock rates
between 300 b/s and 100 kb/s.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-2
(1) Signaling Sense. Signaling sense is in accordance with
CCITT Recommendation V.35. A binary "0" (space) is transmitted when
terminal "A" is positive (+.55v +20%) to terminal "B" (-.55V +20%). A
binary 1 is transmitted when terminal "A" is negative (-.55v +20%) to
terminal "B" (+.55v +20%). The drivers produce a nominal 1.1 volts
peak-to-peak signal balanced with respect to ground.
c. Bit Rate/Cable Length.
(1) Maximum Cable Length. The recommended maximum cable length
between a V.35 DCE and DTE is 30 feet when overall shielded, low
capacitance, twisted pair cable is used. Cable lengths of up to 2000
feet are also possible with the proper cables, see LOR-0023-003 for more
d. Interchange Circuits.
(1) Electrical Use of Interchange Circuits. The DDN electrical
use of interchange circuits is either static or active. Static circuits
are tied by the hardware so that the signal state remains constant on the
line, either ON or OFF. Active circuits change their state under program
control. DDN use of the interchange circuits is shown in Table 8-1.
(2) Software Use of Interchange Circuits. Interchange circuit
signals are used by the software in different ways. Active circuits are
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-3
under program control: either the software reacts to the circuit signal
when it changes, or the software can assert a circuit when necessary (such
as LL which can be used by operations personnel for testing connections).
Unsupported circuits either are not read by the software or a value is
written to the circuit by the software, and that value does not change
during operation. Table 8-1 describes circuit use.
(3) Interchange Circuit Definitions. EIA-232-D signal names
are used throughout this chapter.
(a) Signal Ground. See EIA-232-D.
(b) DCE Ready. This circuit must be asserted ON by the
DCE, but it is not monitored by the PSN software.
(c) Transmitted Data. See EIA-232-D.
(d) Received Data. See EIA-232-D.
(e) Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DTE Source). See
EIA-232-D. Also see subsection 2.b of this guide. This circuit provides
the clock for Transmitted Data when the PSN sources timing. The frequency
of this circuit is equal to that of Transmitter Signal Element Timing.
(f) Transmitter Signal Element Timing (DCE Source). See
EIA-232-D. This circuit optionally provides the clock for Transmitted
Data when the DCE sources timing.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-4
(g) Receive Signal Element Timing (DCE). This circuit
optimally provides the clock for received data when the DCE sources
(h) Request to Send. This circuit is asserted OFF by the
PSN software. Available for Monitoring Center control.
(i) Clear to Send. This circuit must be asserted ON by
the DCE, but it is not monitored by PSN software.
(j) Received Line Signal Detector. This circuit must be
asserted ON by the DCE, but it is not monitored by PSN software.
(k) Data Terminal Ready. This circuit is asserted OFF by
the PSN software. Available for Monitoring Center control.
(l) Local Test Loopback. This circuit is asserted OFF by
the PSN software. Available for Monitoring Center control.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-5
CCITT Electrical Required State of Comments
ID Name Source State Control/Status Signals
101 Protective Ground DTE/DCE Ground N/A
102 Signal Ground DCE/DTE Ground N/A
103 Transmitted Data DTE Active N/A Data Circuit
104 Received Data DCE Active N/A Data Circuit
105 Request to Send DTE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
Treated as LL for XMOD.
106 Clear to Send DCE Active ON Not monitored by PSN software.
107 DCE Ready DCE Active Don't Care Not monitored by PSN software.
108/2 DTE Ready DTE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
Treated as RL for XMOD.
109 Received Line DCE Active ON Not monitored by PSN software.
113 Transmitter Signal DTE Active N/A Reflected timing circuit
Element Timing for Transmitted Data
114 Transmitter Signal DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Element Timing Data when the DCE supplies
115 Receiver Signal DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Received
Element Timing Data when the DCE supplies
141 Local Test DCE Active OFF Asserted OFF by PSN software.
Loopback Treated as CL by XMOD.
NOTES: N/A = Not Applicable
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-6
3. Mechanical Characteristics. All V.35 connectors offered for the C/30E
meet the specifications provided in this section. Cables for this
interface, supplied by DDN, are equipped with an EIA-449 connector on one
end to mate with the EIA-449 connector on the C/30E fantail; the other end
provides a MIL-C-28748 34-pin connector to mate with the V.35 DCE.
a. Interface Connectors. The V.35 connectors on the C/30E fantail is
a DC-37P type (male) connector. It is wired as described in Table 8-2.
(1) Intermating dimensions are in accordance with EIA-449-D.
(2) The means for C/30E DTE connectors to latch and unlatch from
the latching blocks on the DCE connector are within the dimensions
specified in EIA-449, section 3.3.1. DDN uses the English 4-40 thread
latching block.
b. Connector Contact Assignments. DDN standard node V.35 connector
contact assignments are in accordance with CCITT Recommendation V.35 and
ISO 2593. Table 8-2 provides DDN V.35 connector pin assignments. The
signals are used as specified in section 2.d.3.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-7
34-pin 37-pin* CCITT Signal Name 449
# # ID Name
A 1 101 Shield FG
P 4 103 Transmitted Data SD+
S 22 103 Transmitted Data SD-**
Y 5 114 Transmitter Signal Element ST+
Timing (DCE Source)
a/AA 23 114 Transmitter Signal Element ST-
Timing (DCE Source)
R 6 104 Received Data RD+
T 24 104 Received Data RD-
V 8 115 Receiver Signal Element Timing RT+
(DCE Source)
X 26 115 Receiver Signal Element Timing RT-
(DCE Source)
H 30 108/2 DTE Ready TR
B 12 102 Signal Ground SG
C 7 105 Request to Send RS
B*** 25 102 Signal Ground SG
K 10 141 Local Test Loopback LL(LT)
B 28 102 Signal Ground SG
U 17 113 Transmitter Signal Elem Timing SG-
(DTE Source)
W 35 113 Transmitter Signal Elem Timing SG-
(DTE Source)
E 11 107 DCE Ready RR
B 29 102 Signal Ground SG
D 9 106 Clear to Send CS
B**** 27 102 Signal Ground SG
F 13 109 Received Ready RR
B 31 102 Signal Ground SG
B 19 102 Signal Ground SG
B 37 102 Signal Ground SG
* This information represents a straight cable to a V.35 DCE.
** The + and - symbols, used in EIA-449, correspond to A and B,
respectively, in V.35 terminology.
*** Internally reflected clocks are supplied on pins TT.
**** V.35 in 34 pin connector is labeled as pin B Signal Ground.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-8
4. Interconnecting Cables.
(a) For interconnecting cable specifications, see chapter 1, section
4, of this guide.
(b) Figure 8-1 is a cabling diagram of a V.35 PSN and remote V.35
PSN, and figure 8-2 provides an example of an interconnecting cable (BBNCC
P/N# 2405510G01).
| |
| V.35P DC-37P |
| / \ |
| +-------+ / +-----+ +-----+ \ +-------+ |
| | V.35 |--+ 2405540G01 | | | | 2405540G01 +--| V.35 | |
| | C/30E |P1|========================================|P2| C/30E | |
| | (DTE) |--+ | DCE | | DCE | +--| (DTE) | |
| +-------+ +-----+ +-----+ +-------+ |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 8-9
| C/30E C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| DC-37S DC-37S |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| 1 FG >--------+ +-------< FG 1 |
| |
| |
| P/S SD Pair # SD 4/22 |
| >-(1)----------------------< |
| Y/AA ST ST 5/23 |
| >-(2)----------------------< |
| R/T RD RD 6/24 |
| >-(3)----------------------< |
| V/X RT RT 8/26 |
| H/B TR >-(4)----------------------< TR 30/12 |
| |
| C/B RS >-(5)----------------------< RS 7/25 |
| K/B LL LL 10/28 |
| >-(6)----------------------< |
| U/W TT TT 17/35 |
| >-(7)----------------------< |
| E/B DM 11/29 |
| >-(8)----------------------< |
| D/B OS CS 9/27 |
| DM >-(9)----------------------< |
| F/B RR RR 13/31 |
| >-(10)---------------------< |
| B/B SG SG 19/37 |
| >-(11)---------------------< |
| |
| >-(12)---------------------< |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the BELL 303 DTE interface that connects the C/30E PSN
with a modem. This interface is in conformance with the BELL 303
standard, cited in chapter of this guide. The BELL 303 interface is used
only where an existing non-DDN-standard PSN provides such an interface,
and it is not feasible to install a MIL-STD-188-114 balanced interface
prior to upgrading the entire node to DDN-standard (MIL-STD-188-114
balanced serial PSN interfaces). DDN supports Extended Modem Looping
(XMOD) through the BELL 303 interface. For ease of reference, table 9-1
equates the EIA-449, BELL 303, and CCITT interface signal names. In the
remainder of the BELL 303 discussion, the EIA-449 signal name will be
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels and Signaling Sense. The electrical measurements
of the C/30E interface circuits are in accordance with Bell 303. The
cable drivers operate into, and the cable terminators operate from coaxial
cables, with 75 ohms to 120 ohms characteristic impedance. The high
speed interface is provided on a current switching basis. A binary "1",
Control "OFF" or "marking" signal is represented by a current less than 5
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-2
ma into 100 ohms. A binary "0", Control "ON" or "spacing" signal is
represented by a current greater than 23 ma into 100 ohms. All
interchange circuits are fail-safe in that an open circuit is considered a
control OFF or Mark Hold condition.
The above-mentioned currents are supplied at the output of the cable
drivers. The open circuit voltage of the terminator will range between
-1.3 and -0.8 volts. The negative voltage is added by a bias in the
terminator. With greater than 23 ma into 100 ohms supplied to a cable
terminator, the terminator input voltage is more positive than +1.0
volts. An open circuit must be recognized by a terminator as OFF, as
mentioned above.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-3
ID Name ID Name ID Name
SG Signal Ground -- Ground in Sleeves 102 Signal Ground
SC Send Common -- 102a DTE Common
RC Receive Common -- 102b DCE Common
SD Send Data E Send Data 103 Transmitted Data
RD Receive Data K Received Data 104 Received Data
RS Request To Send 105 Request To Send
CS Clear To Send 106 Ready For Sending
DM Data Mode 107 Data Set Ready
TR Terminal Ready
108/2 Data Terminal Ready
RR Receiver Ready 109 Data Channel Received Line
Signal Detector
IS Terminal In Service -- ---
SR Signaling Rate Selector 111 Data Signaling Rate
Selector (DTE Source)
SI Signaling Rate 112 Data Signaling Rate
Indicator Selector (DCE Source)
NS New Signal -- ---
TT Terminal Timing 113 Transmitter Signal Element
ST Send Timing J Serial Clock 114 Transmitter Signal Element
Transmit Timing (DCE Source)
RT Receive Timing L Serial Clock Receive 115 Receiver Signal Element
(DCE Source) Timing (DCE Source)
SS Select Standby -- 116 Select Standby
SF Select Frequency -- 126 Select Transmit Frequency
LL Local Loopback G Local Test 141 Local Loopback
RL Remote Loopback 140 Remote Loopback
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-4
b. Clocking. Two fantails, MMI and MML, provide the connectors that
terminate cables from all I/O interfaces. The MMI fantail connector is
configured as a DTE. When the MMI fantail is used, the DCE must provide
clock because the MMI fantail does not support clock-sourcing capability.
The MML, a clock-sourcing enhanced fantail, is configured as a DCE and
provides clock.
(1) MML Clock Rates. MML and MMI interface hardware support any
external clock between 1.2 kb/s and 112 kb/s. However, DDN policy states
that the minimum PSN bit rate be 9.6 kb/s. When MML clock-sourcing
capability is used, the MML on-board clock generator provides the
following frequencies: 230.4 kb, 50 kb, 19.2 kb. The 230.4 kb rate is not
supported by operational software.
(2) Maximum Cable Length. The maximum length of the cable is 50
feet. The MMI-configured PSN connector has a DC-37P type (male) as the
DTE and the MML-configured PSN connector has a DC-37S (female) as the
DCE. Cable lengths greater than 200 feet may be possible. The BELL 303
specification, section 7, should be consulted.
d. Interchange Circuits. The BELL 303 interface is provided by the
MMI motherboard upon which is attached an MMI/MML daughterboard.
(1) Electrical Use of Interchange Circuits. The DDN electrical
use of interchange circuits is either static or active. Static circuits
are tied by the hardware so that the signal state remains constant on the
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-5
line, either ON or OFF. Active circuits change their state under program
control. DDN use of the interchange circuits is shown in table 9-2.
(2) Software Use of Interchange Circuits. Interchange circuit
signals are used by the software in different ways. Active circuits are
under program control: the software can react to a received signal when it
changes, and the software can assert a transmitted signal when necessary
(such as LL, which can be used by operations personnel for testing
connections). Unsupported circuits either are not read by the software or
a value is written to the circuit by the software. That value does not
change during operation. Table 9-2 provides a list of circuits and their
(3) Interchange Circuit Definitions. For additional information
about these interchange circuits, see EIA Standard 449. The following
descriptions assume use of full period/full duplex circuits, with flow
control handled at higher levels.
(a) Signal Ground. See EIA Standard 449.
(b) Send Data. See EIA Standard 449.
(c) Receive Data. See EIA Standard 449.
(d) Send Timing. See EIA Standard 449.
(e) Receive Timing. See EIA Standard 449.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-6
(f) Local Loopback. LL is asserted OFF by PSN software when
the link is initialized. LL can be controlled by the Monitoring Center.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-7
449 Electrical Required State of Comments
ID EIA-449 Name Source Circuit Control/Status Signals
SG Signal Ground DTE/DCE Ground in Sleeve N/A Ground
SD Send Data DTE Active N/A Data Circuit
RD Receive Data DCE Active N/A Data Circuit
ST Send Timing DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Transmitted
Data when DCE provides timing.
RT Receive Timing DCE Active N/A Timing circuit for Received
Data when DCE provides timing.
LL Local Loopback DTE Active OFF Initialized to OFF by PSN software.
Available for Monitoring Center
Control through XMOD.
NOTE: N/A = Not Applicable
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-8
3. Mechanical Characteristics. All BELL 303 connectors offered for the
C/30E meet the following specifications.
a. Interface Connectors. The C/30E MMI/MML BELL 303 connector DC-37P
type (male) connectors.
(1) Intermating dimensions are in accordance with EIA Standard
449, section 3.3.1.
(2) The means for C/30E DTE connectors to latch and unlatch from
the latching blocks on the DCE connector are within the dimensions
specified in EIA Standard 449, section 3.3.2. DDN uses the English 4-40
thread latching block.
b. Connector Contact Assignments. All C/30E BELL 303 contact
assignments, as shown in table 9-3, provide the DDN
standard node connector pinout. The signals are used asspecified in EIA
Standard 449 section 2.d.3.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-9
8 SD 103 Send Data
27 SG 102 Signal Ground
12 ST 114 Send Timing
31 SG 102 Signal Ground
10 RD 104 Receive Data
29 SG 102 Signal Ground
6 RT 115 Receive Timing
25 SG 102 Signal Ground
11 LL 141 Local Loopback
30 SG 102 Signal Ground
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-10
4. Interconnecting Cables.
a. Interconnecting cables must be low capacitance, multiple twisted
pair that result in a transmission line with a nominal characteristic
impedance on the order of 100 ohms to frequencies greater than 100 kHz,
and a dc series loop resistance not exceeding 240 ohms. The overall braid
shield must have at least 85% coverage.
(1) Conductor Size. Interconnecting cables or wires should be
composed of wires of a 24 AWG or larger conductor for solid or stranded
copper wires, or for non-copper conductors a sufficient size to yield a dc
wire resistance not to exceed 30 ohms/1000 feet per conductor.
(2) Mutual Pair Capacitance. The capacitance between one wire
in the pair to the other wire in the pair should not exceed 20
picofarads/foot, and the value should be reasonably uniform over the
length of the wire or cable.
(3) Stray Capacitance. The capacitance between one wire in the
cable to all others in the cable sheath, with all others connected to
ground, should not exceed 40 picofarads/foot,and should be reasonably
uniform for a given conductor over the length of the wire or cable.
(4) Pair-to-Pair Balanced Crosstalk. The crosstalk from on pair
of wires to any other pair in the same cable sheath should have a minimum
value of 40 dB attenuation measured at 150 kHz.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-11
b. Figure 9-1 is a cabling diagram of a C/30E PSN connected to a
nearby BELL 303 PSN, and figure 9-2 is an example of a cable used to
interconnect them.
| |
| C/30E PSN C/30E PSN |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
| | MMI | | MML | |
| | |2405538601 R 2405538601 | | |
| | BELL - 303 |-------------------------------------| BELL - 303 | |
| | | | | |
| | DTE | | | |
| +------------+ +------------+ |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 9-12
| C/30E C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| DC-37S DC-37P |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| 1 FG >--------+ +-------< FG 1 |
| |
| |
| Pair # |
| 8/27 SD >-(1)----------------------< SD 8/27 |
| |
| 12/31 ST >-(2)----------------------< ST 12/31 |
| |
| 10/29 RD >-(3)----------------------< RD 10/29 |
| |
| 6/25 RC >-(4)----------------------< RC 6/25 |
| |
| 11/30 LL >-(5)----------------------< LL 11/30 |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-1
1. Overview. This chapter describes the electrical and mechanical
characteristics of the BELL 303 balanced remote trunk interface. This
chapter documents the interface between the remote modem and the PSN
(demarcation point A in figure 10-1) with no intervening cryptographic
devices (KG-84As). The DDN standard is a MIL-STD-188-114 balanced
interface, and the BELL 303 is used only when it is not feasible to
install the standard. DDN supports Extended Modem Looping (XMOD)
through the BELL 303 interface.
2. Electrical Characteristics.
a. Voltage Levels and Signaling Sense. The modems used will conform
to BELL 303.
b. Clocking.
(1) Modem Clocking. The modem supplies timing on the Send Timing
and Receive Timing circuits. Terminal Timing is not supported for remote
PSN interfaces. While the DDN hardware will support between 1.2 kb/s and
64 kb/s, DDN policy is that the minimum PSN access rate be 9.6 kb/s.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-2
| |
| |
| C/30E PSN PSN |
| +----------+ +----------+ +---------+ +-----------+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
| |BELL - 303|-----|BELL -303 |--|BELL -303|-----| BELL -303 | |
| | DTE | /|\ | DCE | | DCE | /|\ | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| +----------+ | +----------+ +---------+ | +-----------+ |
| | | |
| | | |
| 2405537601 R 2405537601 |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-3
c. Bit Rate and Cable Length.
(1) Maximum Cable Length. The maximum cable length between the
remote modem and the PSN is 50 feet; however, in some special applications
cable lengths more than 200 feet are possible. Refer to the BELL 303
specification section 7.0 for details.
d. Interchange Circuits.
(1) C/30E Local Modem Interface.
(a) Signal flow between the C/30E and the local modem is
shown in figure 6-3. This interface and associated hardware are provided
by DDN. This DCE interface uses BELL 303 pin assignments.
(b) As shown in figure 10-2, the supported signals are Send
Data (SD), Serial Clock Transmit (ST), Receive Data (RD), and Serial Clock
Receive (SR) and Local Test (LL).
3. Mechanical Characteristics.
a. Interface Connectors. The PSN end of the cable has a connector
of the DC-37S type (female) and the DCE end of the cable connector
has a Burndy MD12MXP-17TC plug with a Burndy M2H50RC-1P2 protective
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-4
b. Connector Contact Assignments. Table 10-1 provides the standard
DTE pinouts. Table 10-2 provides the standard DCE pinouts, and section
2.d.3 of the EIA Standard 449 provides circuit descriptions.
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-5
| C/30E C/30E |
| P1 P2 |
| DC-37S DC-37P |
| Pin# Signal Signal Pin# |
| +/- +/- Shield Shield +/- +/- |
| 1 >--------+ +-------< 1 |
| |
| |
| Pair # |
| 8/27 SD >-(1)----------------------< SD E/SLEEVE |
| |
| 12/31 ST >-(2)----------------------< ST J/SLEEVE |
| |
| 10/29 RD >-(3)----------------------< RD K/SLEEVE |
| |
| 6/25 RC >-(4)----------------------< RC L/SLEEVE |
| |
| 11/30 LL >-(5)----------------------< LL G/SLEEVE |
| |
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-6
8 SD 103 Send Data
27 SG 102 Signal Ground
12 ST 114 Send Timing
31 SG 102 Signal Ground
10 RD 104 Receive Data
29 SG 102 Signal Ground
6 RT 115 Receive Timing
25 SG 102 Signal Ground
11 LL 141 Local Loopback
30 SG 102 Signal Ground
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-7
E SD 103 Send Data
SLEEVE SG 102 Signal Ground
J ST 114 Send Timing
SLEEVE SG 102 Signal Ground
K RD 104 Receive Data
SLEEVE SG 102 Signal Ground
L RT 115 Receive Timing
SLEEVE SG 102 Signal Ground
G LL 141 Local Loopback
SLEEVE SG 102 "D" Loop (Reserved)
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-8
1 FG Frame Ground
2 SD + 103 Send Data
3 SD - 103 Send Data
4 ST + 114 Send Timing
5 ST - 114 Send Timing
6 RD + 104 Receive Data
7 RD - 104 Receive Data
8 RT + 115 Receive Timing
9 RT - 115 Receive Timing
10 TR + 108.2 Terminal Ready
11 TR - 108.2 Terminal Ready
14 SG 102 Signal Ground
15 SG 102 Signal Ground
24 TT + 113 Terminal Timing
25 TT - 113 Terminal Timing
12 CS + 106 Clear to Send
13 CS - 106 Clear to Send
16 CL + --- "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
17 CL - --- "C" Loop (KG-84A Loop)
18 RL + 140 Remote Loopback
19 RL - 140 Remote Loopback
20 DL + --- "D" Loop (Reserved)
21 DL - --- "D" Loop (Reserved)
22 LL + 141 Local Loopback
23 LL - 141 Local Loopback
DCAC-350-180-( ) 10-9
4. Interconnecting Cables. Figure 10-1 provides a cabling diagram of a
configuration with a C/30E and a BELL 303 modem. Table 10-3 describes the
cable used for interconnecting these devices.
Connection BBNCC Description
PSN IMP/MII to BELL 303 2405537G01 5-pr, PSN/MII BELL 303
to BELL 303 Modem